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Foodmode 2 2.15

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Для версии

Food Mod 2 By RocketMania

DarkRP Only ( 2.4.3 and 2.5.0 or higher )

  • Now Cook are allowed to cook foods more realistic. They spawn actual stove and cook foods using pot and fire. but they must pay attention to their foods. or they will be burn!
  • Now Cook bring food into kiosk and display them. and hungry player will buy them from your kiosk. and you will get the payment. even if you are far away from the kiosk.
  • Stove for cooking.
  • Kiosk for selling foods to other players.
  • Inventory & Shops
  • Hunger & Thirsty
Features II
  • Food will be burn out if you don't take them from stove.
  • Kiosk allows you to sell foods easily.
  • Etc
How it works.
  • Only TEAM_COOK is allowed to use stove. become TEAM_COOK first.
  • Now you need some ingredients to cook food. Press F7 ( can be customized ) and buy some ingredients.
  • Spawn Stove from F4 menu shop. and press E on it.
  • You may choose empty burner slot and click food what you want to make.
  • Confirm the ingredients and cook the food.
  • You must take the food before be burned.
  • If you take the food, it will go into your inventory. now Spawn Kiosk to sell the food.
  • Press E on the kiosk, and choose foods and set price.
  • Wait until its sold!
Eating Food from inventory
  • Press F7 ( can be customized ) and click inventory button.
  • Find food to eat, click it and click Eat ' Something '
Screenshot and Video
  • Video
  • Screenshots are can be found on media tab
Config Codes
  • Can be found on media tab
Adding New Food ( and Recipe for the food )
You can also download more food models from garrysmod.org or workshop and make lot of foods!
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