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Иконка ресурса

ShopGUI+ 1.43.0

Нет прав для скачивания
Для версии
1.7 | 1.8 | 1.9 | 1.10 | 1.11 | 1.12 | 1.13 | 1.14 | 1.15 | 1.16
  • /shop - open the main shop menu (shopguiplus.shop)
  • /shop reload - reload the configuration (shopguiplus.reload)
  • /shop check - get information of the item held in hand (shopguiplus.check)
  • /shop [shop name] - directly open the specified shop (shopguiplus.shop)
  • /shop [player] [shop name] - open the specified shop (or main one if none specificed) for specified player (shopguiplus.others)
  • /sell hand [quantity] - sell the item held in your hand (shopguiplus.sell.hand)
  • /sell handall - sells all items inventory which are the same as the one being held in your hand (shopguiplus.sell.hand.all)
  • /sell all - sells all items from your inventory (shopguiplus.sell.all)
    Price modifier commands
  • /shop addmodifier item <player> <shop> <item> <value> [buy|sell] (shopguiplus.shop.addmodifier) - add item-specific price modifier
  • /shop addmodifier shop <player> <shop> <value> [buy|sell] (shopguiplus.shop.addmodifier) - add shop-specific price modifier
  • /shop addmodifier global <player> <value> [buy|sell] (shopguiplus.shop.addmodifier) - add global price modifier
  • /shop resetmodifier item <player> <shop> <item> [buy|sell] (shopguiplus.shop.resetmodifier) - reset player's item-specific price modifier
  • /shop resetmodifier shop <player> <shop> [buy|sell] (shopguiplus.shop.resetmodifier) - reset player's shop-specific price modifier
  • /shop resetmodifier global <player> <value> [buy|sell] (shopguiplus.shop.resetmodifier) - reset player's global price modifier
  • /shop checkmodifiers <player> (shopguiplus.shop.checkmodifiers) - check player's current price modifiers
  • Vault 1.4.1 или новее
  • Плагин, поддерживающий Vault (EssentialsX, CMI) (В CMI уже имеется свой плагин для экономики)
1) Скачиваете плагин
2) Переносите его в папку plugins
3) Запускаете/перезагружаете сервер.

  • Complete, premade shops with lots of items
  • The best anti-dupe protection, even better than on some popular servers
  • Allows players to sell, sell all and buy items using convenient GUI
  • Sell multiple enchantments, permissions and commands to players
  • Sell preset mob spawners to players (supports SilkSpawners, MineableSpawners, EpicSpawners, WildStacker and UltimateStacker)
  • Supports multiple economies (Vault, exp, MySQL Tokens, PlayerPoints, TokenEnchant, TokenManager) at the same time
  • Separate log file to log shop transactions
  • Supports item-based economy (requires Gringotts and Vault)
  • Supports custom names, lores, enchantments, potions and fireworks
  • Allows you to set different prices for each player using item-based, shop-based and global price modifiers
  • Advanced amount selection GUI for buying or selling items
  • Multiple shops with per-shop permission support
  • Multiple page support in each shop GUI with buttons
  • Convenient "Go back" button to easily return to main menu
  • Customizable size of each shop GUI
  • Item placeholders to buy/sell items different from the displayed ones
  • Per-item permissions inside shops
  • 100% customizable messages, shops and items
  • Reload command to update shops without restarting the server
  • Efficient & high-quality code

  • shopguiplus.bypassgamemode - allows to access the shop when in a banned gamemode
  • shopguiplus.bypassworld - allows to access the shop when in a banned world
  • shopguiplus.buymore - allows to use the "Buy more" feature (it's set given to all players by default, negate it if you don't want them to have it)
  • shopguiplus.sellmore - allows to use the "Sell more" feature (it's set given to all players by default, negate it if you don't want them to have it)
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