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Иконка ресурса

LEAK Advanced RT Cameras (Multi-View) 2017-11-09

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  • Автор Автор Abram
  • Дата создания Дата создания

Advanced RT Cameras
Players love basing in DarkRP. It's perhaps one of the gamemode's greatest appeals. The ability to create a fortress as complex and impenetrable as you can design it. Physical security like walls is important, but players also appreciate the ability to place cameras and detectors to sense when they're being attacked! With advanced RT Cameras I have extended Garry's Mod's default Cameras to support 'camera channels.' When a player places down a camera they assign it a unique channel id. They can then place down a display with the same id which tunes into the channel and lets them see whatever the camera sees. Players can have multiple cameras and multiple displays all viewing different scenes. The potential here is immense since players can now broadcast on private channels and control their broadcast it is possible to create TV shows, public service announcements, security centers monitering the city. The sky is the limit to what can be accomplished.

  • single simple and easy to use tool gun
  • pvs hook allows cameras to continue to function without lag even with scenes far away or across the map
  • multiple channels so each camera / display pair can show a different scene
  • scenes are rendered every 1/10th of a second by default which makes the addon very efficient. Almost no FPS impact.
  • uses a render target pool which conserves memory.
  • works with any Sandbox derived gamemode
  • optionally cameras can have health. When health reaches 0 they first unfreeze and then are removed after 4 seconds.
  • automated error diagnostic system notifies you about configuration errors
  • simply drag and drop the file into your addons folder
Options: hastebin

  • Spai and Mikey Howell for acting in my beautiful video sequence :)
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1.00 звёзд 2 оценок

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  • Анонимно
  • 1.00 звёзд
  • Версия: 2017-11-09
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