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Иконка ресурса

GAMEMODE Character Customisation 1.1.7

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This addon was created to smoothly transition new players into the server with a menu that allows them to customise their game.
Addon Description
This addon was created to smoothly transition new players into the server with a menu that allows them to customise their game. I wanted to make a simple and easy to use addon that makes setting their RPName and player model easy as-well as it looking nice and giving them something different at a nice price.
Of course this addon is new and will be polished overtime with more and more feedback which will be incredibly helpful as i will know what the community wants and the current demands. Please feel free to offer suggestions and constructive criticism about the addon so that i can refine the addon which benefits you, the customer.
The character customisation addon has a variety of features which include:
  • Stats that are picked by the player to customise the game they want to play
  • RP Name picker to make it easier
  • Model grid to define and pick what model they want to play as
  • Blacklist and whitelist options to choose which models
  • Sliders to change the player's bodygroup on the summary page
  • An ID card that shows name, player avatar, occupation, and police.
  • Support for localisation
I want to make this addon as accessible as possible with support for different languages.
If you would like to translate the addon, there is a text document that accompanies the addon with the information to translate the text content which can be sent to me to allow for more languages.
Addon Media
I will update the addon media with updated images and maybe a youtube demonstration video if it is requested to show the progress of the addon after implementing functions that are suggested by the community. This will show off the menu and how it look, any changes to the menu, and any additional features so that both the customer's and the community know where the addon is at and whether their server will benefit from using this addon.
  • You will need to un-zip the addon and extract the contents into the server's addon folder.
  • Make sure the workshop content has been added to your server's collection.
  • Change the options in charServer.lua.
  • Restart the server.

If you would like to join the community and discuss any of my scripts and provide suggestions.
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