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LEAK Chess and Checkers 2017-11-17

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Для версии
A chess board with all standard chess rules, including promotion, castling, and en passant, and a draughts/checkers board with English Draughts/Straight Checkers rules.

Game boards can be placed by admins. Game board positions can be saved with the "/chesssave" or "/draughtssave" commands.

To install, simply drop the addon into your garrysmod/addons/ folder and restart the server. Game boards can be spawned from the spawnmenu in the Entities tab.

  • All standard piece movement rules
  • Position saving feature (Say "/chesssave" or use the console command "chess_save" to save)
  • Captured peices move to the side of the board, so it is easy to count up
  • The board will highlight your currently selected square
  • The board will highlight all positions your currently selected piece can move, even if you select an enemy to piece to see their moves
  • Admin tool for placing chess boards (chess_admin_tool)
  • [Chess] Castling rules are implemented
  • [Chess] Pawn promotion is implemented
  • [Chess] En passant is implemented
  • [Chess] Fifty-move rule. If in the last 50 moves there were no captures or pawn moves, either player may declare a draw
  • [Chess] Threefold repetition rule. If the same board position occurs three times, either player can declare a draw
  • [Chess] Stalemate rules. If a player cannot move when it is his turn, but is not in check, the game is a draw
  • [Chess] Insufficient material rules. If neither player has the materials to checkmate, the game is a draw
  • [Chess] Movement restrictions during check. You cannot make a move if it leaves you in check, or puts you in check
  • [Chess] Game is over at checkmate. That is, it's a players turn to move, they are in check, and have no valid moves
  • [Draughts] Game is over when you capture all enemy pieces, or they have no valid moves
  • [Draughts] Moving a piece to the end of the board promotes it to a king. Kings can move backwards
  • [Draughts] If a player can capture a piece, they must
  • [Draughts] Multi-jump rules implemented
  • [DarkRP or Pointshop] Wagering system! You can bet against your opponent
  • HatsChat2 integration: If you have HatsChat2 installed, game messages will have an extra icon!
I want to try this in single player before putting it on my server, is this possible?
You can play against yourself with the command "chess_debug 1". The game will then start with only one player. Turns aren't enforced, and you can move pieces for both sides.

How does the rating system work?
The game boards use an Elo system, meaning the score earned or lost for a game depends on the difference in rating of the two players. Win against someone higher than you to earn more score.

How do I spawn the boards?
There is an admin tool available, "chess_admin_tool". It should be possible to spawn this via your spawn menu or admin mod. Left click will spawn a board, right click will remove the board you're looking at, and reload will bring up a menu. Alternatively, if your gamemode has a spawn menu, you will be able to spawn them through the Entities tab.

How do I save the boards?
You can use the admin tool, as listed above. Alternatively, you can use the console command "chess_save" or the chat commands "!chessave", "!savechess", "/savechess", "/chesssave", or any of the above with the words "draughts" or "checkers" instead of chess. This will save all of your game board's positions to be reloaded when the server restarts or is cleaned up.

What rules are enforced in Chess?
All standard rules should be enforced properly. Notable rules include: Piece move rules; Capture rules; Check and Checkmate rules; Promotion rules; En Passant rule; Castling rules; Stalemate and Draw conditions.

What rules set does Draughts/Checkers use?
The draughts/checkers board uses standard British Draughts/American Checkers rules. The notable features of this rule set are: 8x8 board; If you can capture, you must; No "flying kings".

Is there any way to move the camera while playing?
Holding alt will enable "Free look" mode.
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