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King of the Hill - Efficient and Automatic (1.7-1.12) 1.13.2 1.13.2

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It's called King of the hill, KOTH for short. It's basically where a player stays in a selected region for a set amount of time while other players are trying to knock him off this point. If they can hold the capture point for the set amount of time, you can choose to give them rewards. You can run commands upon a capture or give them a key or add items to their inventory. I plan to add an option to enable Vault so you can give players a money reward upon capture. This is also has a custom scoreboard which you can choose to use. I try to update this plugin every single day and if there is a problem its very unlikely it will take over 24 hours to be fixed. Now with Factions, MassiveCore, LegacyFactions, FactionsUUID and FactionsOne and Vault support!
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