- Установка
- Распаковать в /addons
Должно получиться garrysmod/addons/gmod_random_patches/lua/autorun
- improved math.Clamp
- improved IsValid
- improved IsMounted
- improved table.Random
- improved table.shuffle
- doors with area portals fix
- entity damage force fix
- prop_vehicle_prisoner_pod damage fix
- PLAYER:VoiceVolume() fix
- fixed file.IsDir
- fixed file.Exists
- fixed ents.CreateClientProp
- server protection patches
- anti-family shared ( allow_family_sharing 0/1 )
- info_ladder entity fix
- room_type convar fix
- on player spawn reset color to white
- zero health fix
- gmod_hands lags fix
- shoot pos fix
- crane entity server crash fix
- fake hits fixed
- sand texture fix
- seats network optimization
- tf2 maps texture fix
- -multirun players on server protection
- fast server reconnect protection
- Правила пользования форумом
- Я прочитал(а) правила и согласен(на) с ними