- Установка
- /addons/
- Extract the add-on's folder from the zip into your server's addons folder
- Configure the add-on to your likings via shcam_config.lua
- If your server is running DarkRP, make sure to make the prop_sh_camera and prop_sh_tv available for purchase. (Optionally, prop_sh_minicamera and shcam_remotecontrol as well)
- Restart the server and the add-on is ready to be used!
Why use this add-on?
- RT Cameras do not allow for multiple viewpoints, whereas this add-on does.
- SH Cameras can be destroyed, which is useful if you're a robber or something.
- Frequency is easily configurable (either by using the camera/TV or pointing at them with the Remote Control)
- Mini-camera: Place a mini-camera in someone's home to spy on them!
- Hear players talking on voice chat through the cameras
- PermaProps support (except ownership)
- Cameras can be temporarily disabled with the
Эта ссылка скрыта от группы "Гость" (группа пользователей, которые еще не прошли регистрацию или авторизацию на Проекте). Чтобы увидеть эту ссылку Вам требуется авторизоваться или пройти регистрацию на Проекте (зарегистрироваться).
- Easy installation; plop into the addons folder, restart the server and it's done!
- Configuration is done in shcam_config.lua - everything is commented
- Translation support: Easily translate the add-on's strings to your language via the config file!
- Low performance cost: this add-on is heavily optimized for a low FPS impact.