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Иконка ресурса

RolePlay Simple Weed 2021-07-11

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Simple Weed (DarkRP)
This is a nice little basic weed system with plants, seeds, weed bags, weed basket and weed buyer NPC. This is set by default to the Gangster Job.

Extra Info
  • This is for the Gangster job only by default.
  • You will be made wanted when you sell the weed.
  • You can check you current weed you are holding by typing in the chat box either /weed or !weed this will then tell you in chat how much if any you have on you.
  • You can get rewards as a CP for arresting or killing someone holding weed on their person it will give you a cut of the value. It will work out how much weed they have on them multiply it by how much it sells for then give you half of that value. So 1 bag of weed worth 27,000 / 2 = 13,500
  • You can also get rewards as a player for killing someone holding weed on their person it will devide what they have on them by 4 and give you the amount as weed to sell. so if they have 4 bags on them it will give you one for killing them.

How to configure
  • NPC Config
  • You can spawn the weed buyer by looking where you want him to spawn then using console command simpleweed_spawnnpc.
  • You can save the weed buyer(s) locations on the current map by using console command simpleweed_savenpcs.
  • You can remove the weed buyer(s) locations on the current map by using console command simpleweed_removenpcs this will prevent them spawning on the next restart..
  • You can respawn the weed buyer(s) locations on the current map by using console command simpleweed_respawnnpcs this is handy if you just saved them or updated the saves it will remove them from the map and reload from the file so if you move one by mistake then use the respawn command and it will fix its position.
    Weed Config
  • You can set the grow speed of the weed plant by setting simpleweed_growtime xxx in your server console. (Default = 85 seconds per stage so in total its just under 10 mins of grow time)
  • You can set the sell price of the weed bags by setting simpleweed_sellprice xxx in your server console. (Default = 27,000 per bag)
  • To configure the price of the ents or change it so its not limited to the Gangster Job then download it from the GitHub link below and edit the darkrp info.

How to spawn
  • Change to Gangster then open the F4 menu and goto entites and purchase the Weed Pot, Weed Seeds and Weed Box (The box is an extra to store weed bags in if you want to but not required to grow weed) then put the weed seeds onto the weed pot and wait for it to grow. You can also stand up the weed pots if they fall by Holding SHIFT and pressing E (Use).
  • Хорошо "0"
Реакции: Andrew Logiw
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