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Zeros MethLab (Drug Script)

Zeros MethLab (Drug Script) New

Нет прав для скачивания
DRM Free
Itemstore Support
Consumable Meth with Sound and Screeneffects!
3 Meth Sell Modes
Fun Meth Production Gameplay
Language Support (English, German, French, Polish)
Custom models
Custom Animations
Custom materials
Custom particles
Optimized system (Level of Detail)
Easy to use config

Where can i find the zmLab Content Pack?

How can i save the Meth Buyer and Dropoff Points?
Type in the Chat !savezmlab

How do I cook Meth?
All the steps get shown on the Monitor of the Combiner do make it easy do understand. The whole Process can be configured in the config file.

Base Steps:

Add Methylamin
Let it cook
Add Aluminium
Let it mix
Add a Filter do reduce the Lithiumhydridgas
-Note- Adding no Filter decreases the Meth amount and could cause harm
Wait for it do finish the Meth Sludge
Collect the Meth Sludge with Trays and put them in too the Frezzer
Break the Ice and put it in too the Transport Crates
If defined in the Config then you need do Clean Combiner after each Batch before you can use it again
How do I install this?
Just open the .zip file and drag the folder into the gmod addons directory.
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