DarkRP custom entities
This file contains your custom entities.
This file should also contain entities from DarkRP that you edited.
Note: If you want to edit a default DarkRP entity, first disable it in darkrp_config/disabled_defaults.lua
Once you've done that, copy and paste the entity to this file and edit it.
The default entities can be found here:
For examples and explanation please visit this wiki page:
Add entities under the following line:
DarkRP.createEntity("Рация", {
ent = "wep_jack_job_drpradio",
model = "models/radio/w_radio.mdl",
price = 100,
max = 1,
nonPickup = true,
cmd = "buyratio"
DarkRP.createEntity("Бронзовый кликер", {
ent = "money_clicker", -- Do not change this class
model = "models/props_c17/consolebox01a.mdl", -- Do not change this model
price = 1000,
max = 2,
cmd = "buymoneyclickerbronze",
mClickerInfo = {
pointsPerCycle = 15,
moneyPerCycle = 25,
maxPoints = 1000,
maxMoney = 1500,
health = 100,
indestructible = false,
repairHealthCost = 100,
maxCycles = 0,
repairBrokenCost = 1000,
upgrades = {
autoClick = {
name = "Авто-клик",
stats = { 0, 1, 2, 3, 4 },
prices = { 500, 1000, 1500, 4000 },
clickPower = {
name = "Сила клика",
stats = { 10, 12, 14, 16 },
prices = { 600, 1600, 2000 },
cooling = {
name = "Куллер",
stats = { 1.7, 2.2, 3.5, 5 },
prices = { 400, 750, 1350 },
storage = {
name = "Склад",
stats = { 1, 2, 3, 4 },
prices = { 300, 500, 840 },
enableHeat = true,
heatPerClick = 20,
colorPrimary = Color(139, 195, 74),
colorSecondary = Color(255, 87, 34),
colorText = Color(255, 255, 255),
colorHealth = Color(255, 100, 100),
DarkRP.createEntity("Серебрянный кликер", {
ent = "money_clicker", -- Do not change this class
model = "models/props_c17/consolebox01a.mdl", -- Do not change this model
price = 5000,
max = 2,
cmd = "buymoneyclickersilver",
mClickerInfo = {
pointsPerCycle = 45,
moneyPerCycle = 50,
maxPoints = 5000,
maxMoney = 5000,
health = 100,
indestructible = false,
repairHealthCost = 100,
maxCycles = 0,
repairBrokenCost = 1000,
upgrades = {
autoClick = {
name = "Авто-клик",
stats = { 0, 2, 3, 4, 5 },
prices = { 2000, 3000, 4300, 5800 },
clickPower = {
name = "Сила клика",
stats = { 12, 14, 16, 18 },
prices = { 2000, 3000, 4500 },
cooling = {
name = "Куллер",
stats = { 1.9, 2.5, 3.8, 6 },
prices = { 2000, 3050, 4000 },
storage = {
name = "Склад",
stats = { 1, 3, 4, 5 },
prices = { 2000, 3750, 5000 },
enableHeat = true,
heatPerClick = 20,
colorPrimary = Color(139, 195, 74),
colorSecondary = Color(255, 87, 34),
colorText = Color(255, 255, 255),
colorHealth = Color(255, 100, 100),
DarkRP.createEntity("Золотой кликер", {
ent = "money_clicker", -- Do not change this class
model = "models/props_c17/consolebox01a.mdl", -- Do not change this model
price = 10000,
max = 2,
cmd = "buymoneyclickergold",
mClickerInfo = {
pointsPerCycle = 75,
moneyPerCycle = 86,
maxPoints = 10000,
maxMoney = 10000,
health = 10,
indestructible = false,
repairHealthCost = 100,
maxCycles = 0,
repairBrokenCost = 1000,
upgrades = {
autoClick = {
name = "Авто-клик",
stats = { 1, 3, 4, 5, 6 },
prices = { 3000, 4500, 12800, 15000 },
clickPower = {
name = "Сила клика",
stats = { 14, 16, 18, 20 },
prices = { 3200, 5500, 15000 },
cooling = {
name = "Куллер",
stats = { 2, 2.8, 4, 6.2 },
prices = { 3550, 4500, 15000 },
storage = {
name = "Склад",
stats = { 1, 4, 5, 6 },
prices = { 6000, 8000, 1000 },
enableHeat = true,
heatPerClick = 15,
colorPrimary = Color(139, 195, 74),
colorSecondary = Color(255, 87, 34),
colorText = Color(255, 255, 255),
colorHealth = Color(255, 100, 100),
DarkRP.createEntity("Алмазный кликер", {
ent = "money_clicker", -- Do not change this class
model = "models/props_c17/consolebox01a.mdl", -- Do not change this model
price = 20000,
max = 2,
cmd = "buymoneyclickerdiamond",
mClickerInfo = {
pointsPerCycle = 100,
moneyPerCycle = 140,
maxPoints = 20000,
maxMoney = 20000,
health = 100,
indestructible = false,
repairHealthCost = 100,
maxCycles = 0,
repairBrokenCost = 1000,
upgrades = {
autoClick = {
name = "Авто-клик",
stats = { 1, 4, 5, 6, 7 },
prices = { 25000, 32000, 45900, 50000 },
clickPower = {
name = "Сила клика",
stats = { 16, 18, 20, 24 },
prices = { 23000, 32000, 45900 },
cooling = {
name = "Куллер",
stats = { 2.4, 3, 4, 6.5 },
prices = { 26000, 32000, 45900 },
storage = {
name = "Склад",
stats = { 1, 5, 6, 7 },
prices = { 20000, 32000, 45900 },
enableHeat = true,
heatPerClick = 10,
colorPrimary = Color(139, 195, 74),
colorSecondary = Color(255, 87, 34),
colorText = Color(255, 255, 255),
colorHealth = Color(255, 100, 100),
DarkRP.createEntity("VIP кликер", {
ent = "money_clicker", -- Do not change this class
model = "models/props_c17/consolebox01a.mdl", -- Do not change this model
price = 20000,
max = 2,
cmd = "buymoneyclickervip",
VIPOnly = true,
mClickerInfo = {
pointsPerCycle = 120,
moneyPerCycle = 200,
maxPoints = 40000,
maxMoney = 40000,
health = 500,
indestructible = false,
repairHealthCost = 100,
maxCycles = 0,
repairBrokenCost = 1000,
upgrades = {
autoClick = {
name = "Авто-клик",
stats = { 1, 6, 10, 12, 14 },
prices = { 45000, 62000, 85900, 100000 },
clickPower = {
name = "Сила клика",
stats = { 20, 25, 30, 40 },
prices = { 45000, 62000, 85900 },
cooling = {
name = "Куллер",
stats = { 5, 6, 8, 10 },
prices = { 45000, 62000, 85900 },
storage = {
name = "Склад",
stats = { 1, 6, 8, 10 },
prices = { 40000, 62000, 85900 },
enableHeat = true,
heatPerClick = 10,
colorPrimary = Color(139, 195, 74),
colorSecondary = Color(255, 87, 34),
colorText = Color(255, 255, 255),
colorHealth = Color(255, 100, 100),
DarkRP.createEntity("Тележка", {
ent = "swm_cart",
model = "models/props_wasteland/laundry_cart002.mdl",
price = 500,
max = 2,
allowed = {TEAM_CITIZEN1},
nonPickup = true,
cmd = "buytelejka"
DarkRP.createEntity("Тележка", {
ent = "mgs_cart",
model = "models/props_wasteland/laundry_cart002.mdl",
price = 500,
max = 2,
allowed = {TEAM_CITIZEN2},
nonPickup = true,
cmd = "buytelejka1"
DarkRP.createEntity("Балон с газом", {
ent = "eml_gas",
model = "models/props_c17/canister01a.mdl",
price = 1000,
max = 5,
allowed = {TEAM_METH},
nonPickup = true,
cmd = "buygascanister"
DarkRP.createEntity("Жидкий йод", {
ent = "eml_iodine",
model = "models/props_lab/jar01b.mdl",
price = 100,
max = 10,
allowed = {TEAM_METH},
nonPickup = true,
cmd = "buyiodine"
DarkRP.createEntity("Банка", {
ent = "eml_jar",
model = "models/props_lab/jar01a.mdl",
price = 500,
max = 4,
allowed = {TEAM_METH},
nonPickup = true,
cmd = "buyjar"
DarkRP.createEntity("Соляна кислота", {
ent = "eml_macid",
model = "models/props_junk/garbage_plasticbottle001a.mdl",
price = 200,
max = 10,
allowed = {TEAM_METH},
nonPickup = true,
cmd = "buymacid"
DarkRP.createEntity("Кастрюля", {
ent = "eml_pot",
model = "models/props_c17/metalPot001a.mdl",
price = 750,
max = 8,
allowed = {TEAM_METH},
nonPickup = true,
cmd = "buypot"
DarkRP.createEntity("Кастрюля для мета", {
ent = "eml_spot",
model = "models/props_c17/metalPot001a.mdl",
price = 750,
max = 8,
allowed = {TEAM_METH},
nonPickup = true,
cmd = "buyspot"
DarkRP.createEntity("Газовая плита", {
ent = "eml_stove",
model = "models/props_c17/furnitureStove001a.mdl",
price = 2000,
max = 2,
allowed = {TEAM_METH},
nonPickup = true,
cmd = "buystove"
DarkRP.createEntity("Жидкая сера", {
ent = "eml_sulfur",
model = "models/props_lab/jar01b.mdl",
price = 150,
max = 10,
allowed = {TEAM_METH},
nonPickup = true,
cmd = "buysulfur"
DarkRP.createEntity("Бутылка с водой", {
ent = "eml_water",
model = "models/props_junk/garbage_plasticbottle003a.mdl",
price = 50,
max = 10,
allowed = {TEAM_METH},
nonPickup = true,
cmd = "buywater"
DarkRP.createEntity("Балон с газом", {
ent = "eml_gas",
model = "models/props_c17/canister01a.mdl",
price = 750,
max = 5,
allowed = {TEAM_VAIT},
nonPickup = true,
cmd = "buygascanister2"
DarkRP.createEntity("Жидкий йод", {
ent = "eml_iodine",
model = "models/props_lab/jar01b.mdl",
price = 65,
max = 10,
allowed = {TEAM_VAIT},
nonPickup = true,
cmd = "buyiodine2"
DarkRP.createEntity("Банка", {
ent = "eml_jar",
model = "models/props_lab/jar01a.mdl",
price = 200,
max = 4,
allowed = {TEAM_VAIT},
nonPickup = true,
cmd = "buyjar2"
DarkRP.createEntity("Соляна кислота", {
ent = "eml_macid",
model = "models/props_junk/garbage_plasticbottle001a.mdl",
price = 100,
max = 10,
allowed = {TEAM_VAIT},
nonPickup = true,
cmd = "buymacid2"
DarkRP.createEntity("Кастрюля", {
ent = "eml_pot",
model = "models/props_c17/metalPot001a.mdl",
price = 450,
max = 8,
allowed = {TEAM_VAIT},
nonPickup = true,
cmd = "buypot2"
DarkRP.createEntity("Кастрюля для мета", {
ent = "eml_spot",
model = "models/props_c17/metalPot001a.mdl",
price = 450,
max = 8,
allowed = {TEAM_VAIT},
nonPickup = true,
cmd = "buyspot2"
DarkRP.createEntity("Газовая плита", {
ent = "eml_stove",
model = "models/props_c17/furnitureStove001a.mdl",
price = 1000,
max = 2,
allowed = {TEAM_VAIT},
nonPickup = true,
cmd = "buystove2"
DarkRP.createEntity("Жидкая сера", {
ent = "eml_sulfur",
model = "models/props_lab/jar01b.mdl",
price = 65,
max = 10,
allowed = {TEAM_VAIT},
nonPickup = true,
cmd = "buysulfur2"
DarkRP.createEntity("Бутылка с водой", {
ent = "eml_water",
model = "models/props_junk/garbage_plasticbottle003a.mdl",
price = 5,
max = 10,
allowed = {TEAM_VAIT},
nonPickup = true,
cmd = "buywater2"
DarkRP.createEntity("Кокс", {
ent = "durgz_cocaine",
model = "models/cocn.mdl",
price = 8000,
max = 5,
cmd = "buydrugcoks",
weight = 1,
allowed = {TEAM_DRUGS}
DarkRP.createEntity("LSD", {
ent = "durgz_lsd",
model = "models/smile/smile.mdl",
price = 1000,
max = 5,
cmd = "buydruglsd",
weight = 1,
allowed = {TEAM_DRUGS}
DarkRP.createEntity("Марихуана", {
ent = "durgz_weed",
model = "models/katharsmodels/contraband/zak_wiet/zak_wiet.mdl",
price = 3000,
max = 5,
cmd = "buydrugweed",
weight = 1,
allowed = {TEAM_DRUGS}
DarkRP.createEntity("Метафетамин", {
ent = "durgz_meth",
model = "models/katharsmodels/contraband/metasync/blue_sky.mdl",
price = 5000,
max = 5,
cmd = "buydrugmeth",
weight = 1,
allowed = {TEAM_DRUGS}
DarkRP.createEntity("PCP", {
ent = "durgz_pcp",
model = "models/marioragdoll/super mario galaxy/star/star.mdl",
price = 1800,
max = 5,
cmd = "buydrugpcp",
weight = 1,
allowed = {TEAM_DRUGS}
DarkRP.createEntity("Аспирин", {
ent = "durgz_aspirin",
model = "models/jaanus/aspbtl.mdl",
price = 100,
max = 5,
cmd = "buydrugaspirin",
weight = 0.5,
allowed = {TEAM_MEDIC}
DarkRP.createEntity("Компьютер", {
ent = "sent_computer",
model = "models/props_lab/monitor01a.mdl",
price = 2000,
max = 10,
cmd = "buycomp",
nonPickup = true,
allowed = {TEAM_PROG}
DarkRP.createEntity("Телевизор", {
ent = "mediaplayer_tv",
model = "models/gmod_tower/suitetv_large.mdl",
price = 2000,
max = 1,
nonPickup = true,
cmd = "buytv"
DarkRP.createEntity("Гитара", {
ent = "guitar_stalker",
model = "models/custom/guitar/m_d_45.mdl",
price = 1000,
max = 1,
VIPOnly = true,
nonPickup = true,
cmd = "buyvipguitar"
DarkRP.createEntity("Маленькая аптечка (+10hp)", {
ent = "item_healthvial",
model = "models/items/healthkit.mdl",
price = 500,
max = 20,
VIPOnly = true,
nonPickup = true,
cmd = "buyviplithealt"
DarkRP.createEntity("Большая аптечка (+25hp)", {
ent = "item_healthkit",
model = "models/Items/HealthKit.mdl",
price = 1200,
max = 20,
VIPOnly = true,
nonPickup = true,
cmd = "buyviphealt"
DarkRP.createEntity("Часть брони", {
ent = "item_battery",
model = "models/Items/battery.mdl",
price = 1000,
max = 20,
VIPOnly = true,
nonPickup = true,
cmd = "buyviparmor"
DarkRP.createEntity("Обычный вейп", {
ent = "weapon_vape",
model = "models/swamponions/vape.mdl",
price = 5000,
max = 1,
VIPOnly = true,
nonPickup = true,
cmd = "buyvipvaip"
DarkRP.createEntity("Вейп со вкусом сока", {
ent = "weapon_vape_juicy",
model = "models/swamponions/vape.mdl",
price = 7500,
max = 1,
VIPOnly = true,
nonPickup = true,
cmd = "buyvipjuicevaip"
DarkRP.createEntity("Вейп со сменой пара", {
ent = "weapon_vape_custom",
model = "models/swamponions/vape.mdl",
price = 15000,
max = 1,
VIPOnly = true,
nonPickup = true,
cmd = "buyvipcustomvaip"
DarkRP.createEntity("Золотой вейп", {
ent = "weapon_vape_golden",
model = "models/swamponions/vape.mdl",
price = 20000,
max = 1,
VIPOnly = true,
nonPickup = true,
cmd = "buyvipgoldvaip"
DarkRP.createEntity("Вейп-бабочка", {
ent = "weapon_vape_butterfly",
model = "models/swamponions/vape.mdl",
price = 30000,
max = 1,
VIPOnly = true,
nonPickup = true,
cmd = "buyvipbutvaip"
DarkRP.createEntity("Глюцагевный вейп", {
ent = "weapon_vape_hallucinogenic",
model = "models/swamponions/vape.mdl",
price = 45000,
max = 1,
VIPOnly = true,
nonPickup = true,
cmd = "buyvipglecvaip"
DarkRP.createEntity("Вейп с гелием", {
ent = "weapon_vape_helium",
model = "models/swamponions/vape.mdl",
price = 50000,
max = 1,
VIPOnly = true,
nonPickup = true,
cmd = "buyviphelvaip"
DarkRP.createEntity("Медецинский вейп", {
ent = "weapon_vape_medicinal",
model = "models/swamponions/vape.mdl",
price = 80000,
max = 1,
VIPOnly = true,
nonPickup = true,
cmd = "buyvipmedvaip"
DarkRP.createEntity("Амереканский вейп", {
ent = "weapon_vape_american",
model = "models/swamponions/vape.mdl",
price = 100000,
max = 1,
VIPOnly = true,
nonPickup = true,
cmd = "buyvipamericanvaip"
DarkRP custom entities
This file contains your custom entities.
This file should also contain entities from DarkRP that you edited.
Note: If you want to edit a default DarkRP entity, first disable it in darkrp_config/disabled_defaults.lua
Once you've done that, copy and paste the entity to this file and edit it.
The default entities can be found here:
Эта ссылка скрыта от группы "Гость" (группа пользователей, которые еще не прошли регистрацию или авторизацию на Проекте). Чтобы увидеть эту ссылку Вам требуется авторизоваться или пройти регистрацию на Проекте (зарегистрироваться).
For examples and explanation please visit this wiki page:
Эта ссылка скрыта от группы "Гость" (группа пользователей, которые еще не прошли регистрацию или авторизацию на Проекте). Чтобы увидеть эту ссылку Вам требуется авторизоваться или пройти регистрацию на Проекте (зарегистрироваться).
Add entities under the following line:
DarkRP.createEntity("Рация", {
ent = "wep_jack_job_drpradio",
model = "models/radio/w_radio.mdl",
price = 100,
max = 1,
nonPickup = true,
cmd = "buyratio"
DarkRP.createEntity("Бронзовый кликер", {
ent = "money_clicker", -- Do not change this class
model = "models/props_c17/consolebox01a.mdl", -- Do not change this model
price = 1000,
max = 2,
cmd = "buymoneyclickerbronze",
mClickerInfo = {
pointsPerCycle = 15,
moneyPerCycle = 25,
maxPoints = 1000,
maxMoney = 1500,
health = 100,
indestructible = false,
repairHealthCost = 100,
maxCycles = 0,
repairBrokenCost = 1000,
upgrades = {
autoClick = {
name = "Авто-клик",
stats = { 0, 1, 2, 3, 4 },
prices = { 500, 1000, 1500, 4000 },
clickPower = {
name = "Сила клика",
stats = { 10, 12, 14, 16 },
prices = { 600, 1600, 2000 },
cooling = {
name = "Куллер",
stats = { 1.7, 2.2, 3.5, 5 },
prices = { 400, 750, 1350 },
storage = {
name = "Склад",
stats = { 1, 2, 3, 4 },
prices = { 300, 500, 840 },
enableHeat = true,
heatPerClick = 20,
colorPrimary = Color(139, 195, 74),
colorSecondary = Color(255, 87, 34),
colorText = Color(255, 255, 255),
colorHealth = Color(255, 100, 100),
DarkRP.createEntity("Серебрянный кликер", {
ent = "money_clicker", -- Do not change this class
model = "models/props_c17/consolebox01a.mdl", -- Do not change this model
price = 5000,
max = 2,
cmd = "buymoneyclickersilver",
mClickerInfo = {
pointsPerCycle = 45,
moneyPerCycle = 50,
maxPoints = 5000,
maxMoney = 5000,
health = 100,
indestructible = false,
repairHealthCost = 100,
maxCycles = 0,
repairBrokenCost = 1000,
upgrades = {
autoClick = {
name = "Авто-клик",
stats = { 0, 2, 3, 4, 5 },
prices = { 2000, 3000, 4300, 5800 },
clickPower = {
name = "Сила клика",
stats = { 12, 14, 16, 18 },
prices = { 2000, 3000, 4500 },
cooling = {
name = "Куллер",
stats = { 1.9, 2.5, 3.8, 6 },
prices = { 2000, 3050, 4000 },
storage = {
name = "Склад",
stats = { 1, 3, 4, 5 },
prices = { 2000, 3750, 5000 },
enableHeat = true,
heatPerClick = 20,
colorPrimary = Color(139, 195, 74),
colorSecondary = Color(255, 87, 34),
colorText = Color(255, 255, 255),
colorHealth = Color(255, 100, 100),
DarkRP.createEntity("Золотой кликер", {
ent = "money_clicker", -- Do not change this class
model = "models/props_c17/consolebox01a.mdl", -- Do not change this model
price = 10000,
max = 2,
cmd = "buymoneyclickergold",
mClickerInfo = {
pointsPerCycle = 75,
moneyPerCycle = 86,
maxPoints = 10000,
maxMoney = 10000,
health = 10,
indestructible = false,
repairHealthCost = 100,
maxCycles = 0,
repairBrokenCost = 1000,
upgrades = {
autoClick = {
name = "Авто-клик",
stats = { 1, 3, 4, 5, 6 },
prices = { 3000, 4500, 12800, 15000 },
clickPower = {
name = "Сила клика",
stats = { 14, 16, 18, 20 },
prices = { 3200, 5500, 15000 },
cooling = {
name = "Куллер",
stats = { 2, 2.8, 4, 6.2 },
prices = { 3550, 4500, 15000 },
storage = {
name = "Склад",
stats = { 1, 4, 5, 6 },
prices = { 6000, 8000, 1000 },
enableHeat = true,
heatPerClick = 15,
colorPrimary = Color(139, 195, 74),
colorSecondary = Color(255, 87, 34),
colorText = Color(255, 255, 255),
colorHealth = Color(255, 100, 100),
DarkRP.createEntity("Алмазный кликер", {
ent = "money_clicker", -- Do not change this class
model = "models/props_c17/consolebox01a.mdl", -- Do not change this model
price = 20000,
max = 2,
cmd = "buymoneyclickerdiamond",
mClickerInfo = {
pointsPerCycle = 100,
moneyPerCycle = 140,
maxPoints = 20000,
maxMoney = 20000,
health = 100,
indestructible = false,
repairHealthCost = 100,
maxCycles = 0,
repairBrokenCost = 1000,
upgrades = {
autoClick = {
name = "Авто-клик",
stats = { 1, 4, 5, 6, 7 },
prices = { 25000, 32000, 45900, 50000 },
clickPower = {
name = "Сила клика",
stats = { 16, 18, 20, 24 },
prices = { 23000, 32000, 45900 },
cooling = {
name = "Куллер",
stats = { 2.4, 3, 4, 6.5 },
prices = { 26000, 32000, 45900 },
storage = {
name = "Склад",
stats = { 1, 5, 6, 7 },
prices = { 20000, 32000, 45900 },
enableHeat = true,
heatPerClick = 10,
colorPrimary = Color(139, 195, 74),
colorSecondary = Color(255, 87, 34),
colorText = Color(255, 255, 255),
colorHealth = Color(255, 100, 100),
DarkRP.createEntity("VIP кликер", {
ent = "money_clicker", -- Do not change this class
model = "models/props_c17/consolebox01a.mdl", -- Do not change this model
price = 20000,
max = 2,
cmd = "buymoneyclickervip",
VIPOnly = true,
mClickerInfo = {
pointsPerCycle = 120,
moneyPerCycle = 200,
maxPoints = 40000,
maxMoney = 40000,
health = 500,
indestructible = false,
repairHealthCost = 100,
maxCycles = 0,
repairBrokenCost = 1000,
upgrades = {
autoClick = {
name = "Авто-клик",
stats = { 1, 6, 10, 12, 14 },
prices = { 45000, 62000, 85900, 100000 },
clickPower = {
name = "Сила клика",
stats = { 20, 25, 30, 40 },
prices = { 45000, 62000, 85900 },
cooling = {
name = "Куллер",
stats = { 5, 6, 8, 10 },
prices = { 45000, 62000, 85900 },
storage = {
name = "Склад",
stats = { 1, 6, 8, 10 },
prices = { 40000, 62000, 85900 },
enableHeat = true,
heatPerClick = 10,
colorPrimary = Color(139, 195, 74),
colorSecondary = Color(255, 87, 34),
colorText = Color(255, 255, 255),
colorHealth = Color(255, 100, 100),
DarkRP.createEntity("Тележка", {
ent = "swm_cart",
model = "models/props_wasteland/laundry_cart002.mdl",
price = 500,
max = 2,
allowed = {TEAM_CITIZEN1},
nonPickup = true,
cmd = "buytelejka"
DarkRP.createEntity("Тележка", {
ent = "mgs_cart",
model = "models/props_wasteland/laundry_cart002.mdl",
price = 500,
max = 2,
allowed = {TEAM_CITIZEN2},
nonPickup = true,
cmd = "buytelejka1"
DarkRP.createEntity("Балон с газом", {
ent = "eml_gas",
model = "models/props_c17/canister01a.mdl",
price = 1000,
max = 5,
allowed = {TEAM_METH},
nonPickup = true,
cmd = "buygascanister"
DarkRP.createEntity("Жидкий йод", {
ent = "eml_iodine",
model = "models/props_lab/jar01b.mdl",
price = 100,
max = 10,
allowed = {TEAM_METH},
nonPickup = true,
cmd = "buyiodine"
DarkRP.createEntity("Банка", {
ent = "eml_jar",
model = "models/props_lab/jar01a.mdl",
price = 500,
max = 4,
allowed = {TEAM_METH},
nonPickup = true,
cmd = "buyjar"
DarkRP.createEntity("Соляна кислота", {
ent = "eml_macid",
model = "models/props_junk/garbage_plasticbottle001a.mdl",
price = 200,
max = 10,
allowed = {TEAM_METH},
nonPickup = true,
cmd = "buymacid"
DarkRP.createEntity("Кастрюля", {
ent = "eml_pot",
model = "models/props_c17/metalPot001a.mdl",
price = 750,
max = 8,
allowed = {TEAM_METH},
nonPickup = true,
cmd = "buypot"
DarkRP.createEntity("Кастрюля для мета", {
ent = "eml_spot",
model = "models/props_c17/metalPot001a.mdl",
price = 750,
max = 8,
allowed = {TEAM_METH},
nonPickup = true,
cmd = "buyspot"
DarkRP.createEntity("Газовая плита", {
ent = "eml_stove",
model = "models/props_c17/furnitureStove001a.mdl",
price = 2000,
max = 2,
allowed = {TEAM_METH},
nonPickup = true,
cmd = "buystove"
DarkRP.createEntity("Жидкая сера", {
ent = "eml_sulfur",
model = "models/props_lab/jar01b.mdl",
price = 150,
max = 10,
allowed = {TEAM_METH},
nonPickup = true,
cmd = "buysulfur"
DarkRP.createEntity("Бутылка с водой", {
ent = "eml_water",
model = "models/props_junk/garbage_plasticbottle003a.mdl",
price = 50,
max = 10,
allowed = {TEAM_METH},
nonPickup = true,
cmd = "buywater"
DarkRP.createEntity("Балон с газом", {
ent = "eml_gas",
model = "models/props_c17/canister01a.mdl",
price = 750,
max = 5,
allowed = {TEAM_VAIT},
nonPickup = true,
cmd = "buygascanister2"
DarkRP.createEntity("Жидкий йод", {
ent = "eml_iodine",
model = "models/props_lab/jar01b.mdl",
price = 65,
max = 10,
allowed = {TEAM_VAIT},
nonPickup = true,
cmd = "buyiodine2"
DarkRP.createEntity("Банка", {
ent = "eml_jar",
model = "models/props_lab/jar01a.mdl",
price = 200,
max = 4,
allowed = {TEAM_VAIT},
nonPickup = true,
cmd = "buyjar2"
DarkRP.createEntity("Соляна кислота", {
ent = "eml_macid",
model = "models/props_junk/garbage_plasticbottle001a.mdl",
price = 100,
max = 10,
allowed = {TEAM_VAIT},
nonPickup = true,
cmd = "buymacid2"
DarkRP.createEntity("Кастрюля", {
ent = "eml_pot",
model = "models/props_c17/metalPot001a.mdl",
price = 450,
max = 8,
allowed = {TEAM_VAIT},
nonPickup = true,
cmd = "buypot2"
DarkRP.createEntity("Кастрюля для мета", {
ent = "eml_spot",
model = "models/props_c17/metalPot001a.mdl",
price = 450,
max = 8,
allowed = {TEAM_VAIT},
nonPickup = true,
cmd = "buyspot2"
DarkRP.createEntity("Газовая плита", {
ent = "eml_stove",
model = "models/props_c17/furnitureStove001a.mdl",
price = 1000,
max = 2,
allowed = {TEAM_VAIT},
nonPickup = true,
cmd = "buystove2"
DarkRP.createEntity("Жидкая сера", {
ent = "eml_sulfur",
model = "models/props_lab/jar01b.mdl",
price = 65,
max = 10,
allowed = {TEAM_VAIT},
nonPickup = true,
cmd = "buysulfur2"
DarkRP.createEntity("Бутылка с водой", {
ent = "eml_water",
model = "models/props_junk/garbage_plasticbottle003a.mdl",
price = 5,
max = 10,
allowed = {TEAM_VAIT},
nonPickup = true,
cmd = "buywater2"
DarkRP.createEntity("Кокс", {
ent = "durgz_cocaine",
model = "models/cocn.mdl",
price = 8000,
max = 5,
cmd = "buydrugcoks",
weight = 1,
allowed = {TEAM_DRUGS}
DarkRP.createEntity("LSD", {
ent = "durgz_lsd",
model = "models/smile/smile.mdl",
price = 1000,
max = 5,
cmd = "buydruglsd",
weight = 1,
allowed = {TEAM_DRUGS}
DarkRP.createEntity("Марихуана", {
ent = "durgz_weed",
model = "models/katharsmodels/contraband/zak_wiet/zak_wiet.mdl",
price = 3000,
max = 5,
cmd = "buydrugweed",
weight = 1,
allowed = {TEAM_DRUGS}
DarkRP.createEntity("Метафетамин", {
ent = "durgz_meth",
model = "models/katharsmodels/contraband/metasync/blue_sky.mdl",
price = 5000,
max = 5,
cmd = "buydrugmeth",
weight = 1,
allowed = {TEAM_DRUGS}
DarkRP.createEntity("PCP", {
ent = "durgz_pcp",
model = "models/marioragdoll/super mario galaxy/star/star.mdl",
price = 1800,
max = 5,
cmd = "buydrugpcp",
weight = 1,
allowed = {TEAM_DRUGS}
DarkRP.createEntity("Аспирин", {
ent = "durgz_aspirin",
model = "models/jaanus/aspbtl.mdl",
price = 100,
max = 5,
cmd = "buydrugaspirin",
weight = 0.5,
allowed = {TEAM_MEDIC}
DarkRP.createEntity("Компьютер", {
ent = "sent_computer",
model = "models/props_lab/monitor01a.mdl",
price = 2000,
max = 10,
cmd = "buycomp",
nonPickup = true,
allowed = {TEAM_PROG}
DarkRP.createEntity("Телевизор", {
ent = "mediaplayer_tv",
model = "models/gmod_tower/suitetv_large.mdl",
price = 2000,
max = 1,
nonPickup = true,
cmd = "buytv"
DarkRP.createEntity("Гитара", {
ent = "guitar_stalker",
model = "models/custom/guitar/m_d_45.mdl",
price = 1000,
max = 1,
VIPOnly = true,
nonPickup = true,
cmd = "buyvipguitar"
DarkRP.createEntity("Маленькая аптечка (+10hp)", {
ent = "item_healthvial",
model = "models/items/healthkit.mdl",
price = 500,
max = 20,
VIPOnly = true,
nonPickup = true,
cmd = "buyviplithealt"
DarkRP.createEntity("Большая аптечка (+25hp)", {
ent = "item_healthkit",
model = "models/Items/HealthKit.mdl",
price = 1200,
max = 20,
VIPOnly = true,
nonPickup = true,
cmd = "buyviphealt"
DarkRP.createEntity("Часть брони", {
ent = "item_battery",
model = "models/Items/battery.mdl",
price = 1000,
max = 20,
VIPOnly = true,
nonPickup = true,
cmd = "buyviparmor"
DarkRP.createEntity("Обычный вейп", {
ent = "weapon_vape",
model = "models/swamponions/vape.mdl",
price = 5000,
max = 1,
VIPOnly = true,
nonPickup = true,
cmd = "buyvipvaip"
DarkRP.createEntity("Вейп со вкусом сока", {
ent = "weapon_vape_juicy",
model = "models/swamponions/vape.mdl",
price = 7500,
max = 1,
VIPOnly = true,
nonPickup = true,
cmd = "buyvipjuicevaip"
DarkRP.createEntity("Вейп со сменой пара", {
ent = "weapon_vape_custom",
model = "models/swamponions/vape.mdl",
price = 15000,
max = 1,
VIPOnly = true,
nonPickup = true,
cmd = "buyvipcustomvaip"
DarkRP.createEntity("Золотой вейп", {
ent = "weapon_vape_golden",
model = "models/swamponions/vape.mdl",
price = 20000,
max = 1,
VIPOnly = true,
nonPickup = true,
cmd = "buyvipgoldvaip"
DarkRP.createEntity("Вейп-бабочка", {
ent = "weapon_vape_butterfly",
model = "models/swamponions/vape.mdl",
price = 30000,
max = 1,
VIPOnly = true,
nonPickup = true,
cmd = "buyvipbutvaip"
DarkRP.createEntity("Глюцагевный вейп", {
ent = "weapon_vape_hallucinogenic",
model = "models/swamponions/vape.mdl",
price = 45000,
max = 1,
VIPOnly = true,
nonPickup = true,
cmd = "buyvipglecvaip"
DarkRP.createEntity("Вейп с гелием", {
ent = "weapon_vape_helium",
model = "models/swamponions/vape.mdl",
price = 50000,
max = 1,
VIPOnly = true,
nonPickup = true,
cmd = "buyviphelvaip"
DarkRP.createEntity("Медецинский вейп", {
ent = "weapon_vape_medicinal",
model = "models/swamponions/vape.mdl",
price = 80000,
max = 1,
VIPOnly = true,
nonPickup = true,
cmd = "buyvipmedvaip"
DarkRP.createEntity("Амереканский вейп", {
ent = "weapon_vape_american",
model = "models/swamponions/vape.mdl",
price = 100000,
max = 1,
VIPOnly = true,
nonPickup = true,
cmd = "buyvipamericanvaip"