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17 Мар 2019
DarkRP custom entities

This file contains your custom entities.
This file should also contain entities from DarkRP that you edited.

Note: If you want to edit a default DarkRP entity, first disable it in darkrp_config/disabled_defaults.lua
Once you've done that, copy and paste the entity to this file and edit it.

The default entities can be found here:

For examples and explanation please visit this wiki page:

Add entities under the following line:
DarkRP.createEntity("Рация", {
ent = "wep_jack_job_drpradio",
model = "models/radio/w_radio.mdl",
price = 100,
max = 1,
nonPickup = true,
cmd = "buyratio"
DarkRP.createEntity("Бронзовый кликер", {
ent = "money_clicker", -- Do not change this class
model = "models/props_c17/consolebox01a.mdl", -- Do not change this model
price = 1000,
max = 2,
cmd = "buymoneyclickerbronze",
mClickerInfo = {
pointsPerCycle = 15,
moneyPerCycle = 25,
maxPoints = 1000,
maxMoney = 1500,
health = 100,
indestructible = false,
repairHealthCost = 100,
maxCycles = 0,
repairBrokenCost = 1000,

upgrades = {
autoClick = {
name = "Авто-клик",
stats = { 0, 1, 2, 3, 4 },
prices = { 500, 1000, 1500, 4000 },
clickPower = {
name = "Сила клика",
stats = { 10, 12, 14, 16 },
prices = { 600, 1600, 2000 },
cooling = {
name = "Куллер",
stats = { 1.7, 2.2, 3.5, 5 },
prices = { 400, 750, 1350 },
storage = {
name = "Склад",
stats = { 1, 2, 3, 4 },
prices = { 300, 500, 840 },

enableHeat = true,
heatPerClick = 20,

colorPrimary = Color(139, 195, 74),
colorSecondary = Color(255, 87, 34),
colorText = Color(255, 255, 255),
colorHealth = Color(255, 100, 100),
DarkRP.createEntity("Серебрянный кликер", {
ent = "money_clicker", -- Do not change this class
model = "models/props_c17/consolebox01a.mdl", -- Do not change this model
price = 5000,
max = 2,
cmd = "buymoneyclickersilver",
mClickerInfo = {
pointsPerCycle = 45,
moneyPerCycle = 50,
maxPoints = 5000,
maxMoney = 5000,
health = 100,
indestructible = false,
repairHealthCost = 100,
maxCycles = 0,
repairBrokenCost = 1000,

upgrades = {
autoClick = {
name = "Авто-клик",
stats = { 0, 2, 3, 4, 5 },
prices = { 2000, 3000, 4300, 5800 },
clickPower = {
name = "Сила клика",
stats = { 12, 14, 16, 18 },
prices = { 2000, 3000, 4500 },
cooling = {
name = "Куллер",
stats = { 1.9, 2.5, 3.8, 6 },
prices = { 2000, 3050, 4000 },
storage = {
name = "Склад",
stats = { 1, 3, 4, 5 },
prices = { 2000, 3750, 5000 },

enableHeat = true,
heatPerClick = 20,

colorPrimary = Color(139, 195, 74),
colorSecondary = Color(255, 87, 34),
colorText = Color(255, 255, 255),
colorHealth = Color(255, 100, 100),
DarkRP.createEntity("Золотой кликер", {
ent = "money_clicker", -- Do not change this class
model = "models/props_c17/consolebox01a.mdl", -- Do not change this model
price = 10000,
max = 2,
cmd = "buymoneyclickergold",
mClickerInfo = {
pointsPerCycle = 75,
moneyPerCycle = 86,
maxPoints = 10000,
maxMoney = 10000,
health = 10,
indestructible = false,
repairHealthCost = 100,
maxCycles = 0,
repairBrokenCost = 1000,

upgrades = {
autoClick = {
name = "Авто-клик",
stats = { 1, 3, 4, 5, 6 },
prices = { 3000, 4500, 12800, 15000 },
clickPower = {
name = "Сила клика",
stats = { 14, 16, 18, 20 },
prices = { 3200, 5500, 15000 },
cooling = {
name = "Куллер",
stats = { 2, 2.8, 4, 6.2 },
prices = { 3550, 4500, 15000 },
storage = {
name = "Склад",
stats = { 1, 4, 5, 6 },
prices = { 6000, 8000, 1000 },

enableHeat = true,
heatPerClick = 15,

colorPrimary = Color(139, 195, 74),
colorSecondary = Color(255, 87, 34),
colorText = Color(255, 255, 255),
colorHealth = Color(255, 100, 100),
DarkRP.createEntity("Алмазный кликер", {
ent = "money_clicker", -- Do not change this class
model = "models/props_c17/consolebox01a.mdl", -- Do not change this model
price = 20000,
max = 2,
cmd = "buymoneyclickerdiamond",
mClickerInfo = {
pointsPerCycle = 100,
moneyPerCycle = 140,
maxPoints = 20000,
maxMoney = 20000,
health = 100,
indestructible = false,
repairHealthCost = 100,
maxCycles = 0,
repairBrokenCost = 1000,

upgrades = {
autoClick = {
name = "Авто-клик",
stats = { 1, 4, 5, 6, 7 },
prices = { 25000, 32000, 45900, 50000 },
clickPower = {
name = "Сила клика",
stats = { 16, 18, 20, 24 },
prices = { 23000, 32000, 45900 },
cooling = {
name = "Куллер",
stats = { 2.4, 3, 4, 6.5 },
prices = { 26000, 32000, 45900 },
storage = {
name = "Склад",
stats = { 1, 5, 6, 7 },
prices = { 20000, 32000, 45900 },

enableHeat = true,
heatPerClick = 10,

colorPrimary = Color(139, 195, 74),
colorSecondary = Color(255, 87, 34),
colorText = Color(255, 255, 255),
colorHealth = Color(255, 100, 100),

DarkRP.createEntity("VIP кликер", {
ent = "money_clicker", -- Do not change this class
model = "models/props_c17/consolebox01a.mdl", -- Do not change this model
price = 20000,
max = 2,
cmd = "buymoneyclickervip",
VIPOnly = true,
mClickerInfo = {
pointsPerCycle = 120,
moneyPerCycle = 200,
maxPoints = 40000,
maxMoney = 40000,
health = 500,
indestructible = false,
repairHealthCost = 100,
maxCycles = 0,
repairBrokenCost = 1000,

upgrades = {
autoClick = {
name = "Авто-клик",
stats = { 1, 6, 10, 12, 14 },
prices = { 45000, 62000, 85900, 100000 },
clickPower = {
name = "Сила клика",
stats = { 20, 25, 30, 40 },
prices = { 45000, 62000, 85900 },
cooling = {
name = "Куллер",
stats = { 5, 6, 8, 10 },
prices = { 45000, 62000, 85900 },
storage = {
name = "Склад",
stats = { 1, 6, 8, 10 },
prices = { 40000, 62000, 85900 },

enableHeat = true,
heatPerClick = 10,

colorPrimary = Color(139, 195, 74),
colorSecondary = Color(255, 87, 34),
colorText = Color(255, 255, 255),
colorHealth = Color(255, 100, 100),

DarkRP.createEntity("Тележка", {
ent = "swm_cart",
model = "models/props_wasteland/laundry_cart002.mdl",
price = 500,
max = 2,
allowed = {TEAM_CITIZEN1},
nonPickup = true,
cmd = "buytelejka"
DarkRP.createEntity("Тележка", {
ent = "mgs_cart",
model = "models/props_wasteland/laundry_cart002.mdl",
price = 500,
max = 2,
allowed = {TEAM_CITIZEN2},
nonPickup = true,
cmd = "buytelejka1"

DarkRP.createEntity("Балон с газом", {
ent = "eml_gas",
model = "models/props_c17/canister01a.mdl",
price = 1000,
max = 5,
allowed = {TEAM_METH},
nonPickup = true,
cmd = "buygascanister"
DarkRP.createEntity("Жидкий йод", {
ent = "eml_iodine",
model = "models/props_lab/jar01b.mdl",
price = 100,
max = 10,
allowed = {TEAM_METH},
nonPickup = true,
cmd = "buyiodine"
DarkRP.createEntity("Банка", {
ent = "eml_jar",
model = "models/props_lab/jar01a.mdl",
price = 500,
max = 4,
allowed = {TEAM_METH},
nonPickup = true,
cmd = "buyjar"
DarkRP.createEntity("Соляна кислота", {
ent = "eml_macid",
model = "models/props_junk/garbage_plasticbottle001a.mdl",
price = 200,
max = 10,
allowed = {TEAM_METH},
nonPickup = true,
cmd = "buymacid"
DarkRP.createEntity("Кастрюля", {
ent = "eml_pot",
model = "models/props_c17/metalPot001a.mdl",
price = 750,
max = 8,
allowed = {TEAM_METH},
nonPickup = true,
cmd = "buypot"
DarkRP.createEntity("Кастрюля для мета", {
ent = "eml_spot",
model = "models/props_c17/metalPot001a.mdl",
price = 750,
max = 8,
allowed = {TEAM_METH},
nonPickup = true,
cmd = "buyspot"
DarkRP.createEntity("Газовая плита", {
ent = "eml_stove",
model = "models/props_c17/furnitureStove001a.mdl",
price = 2000,
max = 2,
allowed = {TEAM_METH},
nonPickup = true,
cmd = "buystove"
DarkRP.createEntity("Жидкая сера", {
ent = "eml_sulfur",
model = "models/props_lab/jar01b.mdl",
price = 150,
max = 10,
allowed = {TEAM_METH},
nonPickup = true,
cmd = "buysulfur"
DarkRP.createEntity("Бутылка с водой", {
ent = "eml_water",
model = "models/props_junk/garbage_plasticbottle003a.mdl",
price = 50,
max = 10,
allowed = {TEAM_METH},
nonPickup = true,
cmd = "buywater"

DarkRP.createEntity("Балон с газом", {
ent = "eml_gas",
model = "models/props_c17/canister01a.mdl",
price = 750,
max = 5,
allowed = {TEAM_VAIT},
nonPickup = true,
cmd = "buygascanister2"
DarkRP.createEntity("Жидкий йод", {
ent = "eml_iodine",
model = "models/props_lab/jar01b.mdl",
price = 65,
max = 10,
allowed = {TEAM_VAIT},
nonPickup = true,
cmd = "buyiodine2"
DarkRP.createEntity("Банка", {
ent = "eml_jar",
model = "models/props_lab/jar01a.mdl",
price = 200,
max = 4,
allowed = {TEAM_VAIT},
nonPickup = true,
cmd = "buyjar2"
DarkRP.createEntity("Соляна кислота", {
ent = "eml_macid",
model = "models/props_junk/garbage_plasticbottle001a.mdl",
price = 100,
max = 10,
allowed = {TEAM_VAIT},
nonPickup = true,
cmd = "buymacid2"
DarkRP.createEntity("Кастрюля", {
ent = "eml_pot",
model = "models/props_c17/metalPot001a.mdl",
price = 450,
max = 8,
allowed = {TEAM_VAIT},
nonPickup = true,
cmd = "buypot2"
DarkRP.createEntity("Кастрюля для мета", {
ent = "eml_spot",
model = "models/props_c17/metalPot001a.mdl",
price = 450,
max = 8,
allowed = {TEAM_VAIT},
nonPickup = true,
cmd = "buyspot2"
DarkRP.createEntity("Газовая плита", {
ent = "eml_stove",
model = "models/props_c17/furnitureStove001a.mdl",
price = 1000,
max = 2,
allowed = {TEAM_VAIT},
nonPickup = true,
cmd = "buystove2"
DarkRP.createEntity("Жидкая сера", {
ent = "eml_sulfur",
model = "models/props_lab/jar01b.mdl",
price = 65,
max = 10,
allowed = {TEAM_VAIT},
nonPickup = true,
cmd = "buysulfur2"
DarkRP.createEntity("Бутылка с водой", {
ent = "eml_water",
model = "models/props_junk/garbage_plasticbottle003a.mdl",
price = 5,
max = 10,
allowed = {TEAM_VAIT},
nonPickup = true,
cmd = "buywater2"

DarkRP.createEntity("Кокс", {
ent = "durgz_cocaine",
model = "models/cocn.mdl",
price = 8000,
max = 5,
cmd = "buydrugcoks",
weight = 1,
allowed = {TEAM_DRUGS}
DarkRP.createEntity("LSD", {
ent = "durgz_lsd",
model = "models/smile/smile.mdl",
price = 1000,
max = 5,
cmd = "buydruglsd",
weight = 1,
allowed = {TEAM_DRUGS}
DarkRP.createEntity("Марихуана", {
ent = "durgz_weed",
model = "models/katharsmodels/contraband/zak_wiet/zak_wiet.mdl",
price = 3000,
max = 5,
cmd = "buydrugweed",
weight = 1,
allowed = {TEAM_DRUGS}
DarkRP.createEntity("Метафетамин", {
ent = "durgz_meth",
model = "models/katharsmodels/contraband/metasync/blue_sky.mdl",
price = 5000,
max = 5,
cmd = "buydrugmeth",
weight = 1,
allowed = {TEAM_DRUGS}
DarkRP.createEntity("PCP", {
ent = "durgz_pcp",
model = "models/marioragdoll/super mario galaxy/star/star.mdl",
price = 1800,
max = 5,
cmd = "buydrugpcp",
weight = 1,
allowed = {TEAM_DRUGS}

DarkRP.createEntity("Аспирин", {
ent = "durgz_aspirin",
model = "models/jaanus/aspbtl.mdl",
price = 100,
max = 5,
cmd = "buydrugaspirin",
weight = 0.5,
allowed = {TEAM_MEDIC}

DarkRP.createEntity("Компьютер", {
ent = "sent_computer",
model = "models/props_lab/monitor01a.mdl",
price = 2000,
max = 10,
cmd = "buycomp",
nonPickup = true,
allowed = {TEAM_PROG}

DarkRP.createEntity("Телевизор", {
ent = "mediaplayer_tv",
model = "models/gmod_tower/suitetv_large.mdl",
price = 2000,
max = 1,
nonPickup = true,
cmd = "buytv"
DarkRP.createEntity("Гитара", {
ent = "guitar_stalker",
model = "models/custom/guitar/m_d_45.mdl",
price = 1000,
max = 1,
VIPOnly = true,
nonPickup = true,
cmd = "buyvipguitar"
DarkRP.createEntity("Маленькая аптечка (+10hp)", {
ent = "item_healthvial",
model = "models/items/healthkit.mdl",
price = 500,
max = 20,
VIPOnly = true,
nonPickup = true,
cmd = "buyviplithealt"
DarkRP.createEntity("Большая аптечка (+25hp)", {
ent = "item_healthkit",
model = "models/Items/HealthKit.mdl",
price = 1200,
max = 20,
VIPOnly = true,
nonPickup = true,
cmd = "buyviphealt"
DarkRP.createEntity("Часть брони", {
ent = "item_battery",
model = "models/Items/battery.mdl",
price = 1000,
max = 20,
VIPOnly = true,
nonPickup = true,
cmd = "buyviparmor"

DarkRP.createEntity("Обычный вейп", {
ent = "weapon_vape",
model = "models/swamponions/vape.mdl",
price = 5000,
max = 1,
VIPOnly = true,
nonPickup = true,
cmd = "buyvipvaip"
DarkRP.createEntity("Вейп со вкусом сока", {
ent = "weapon_vape_juicy",
model = "models/swamponions/vape.mdl",
price = 7500,
max = 1,
VIPOnly = true,
nonPickup = true,
cmd = "buyvipjuicevaip"
DarkRP.createEntity("Вейп со сменой пара", {
ent = "weapon_vape_custom",
model = "models/swamponions/vape.mdl",
price = 15000,
max = 1,
VIPOnly = true,
nonPickup = true,
cmd = "buyvipcustomvaip"
DarkRP.createEntity("Золотой вейп", {
ent = "weapon_vape_golden",
model = "models/swamponions/vape.mdl",
price = 20000,
max = 1,
VIPOnly = true,
nonPickup = true,
cmd = "buyvipgoldvaip"
DarkRP.createEntity("Вейп-бабочка", {
ent = "weapon_vape_butterfly",
model = "models/swamponions/vape.mdl",
price = 30000,
max = 1,
VIPOnly = true,
nonPickup = true,
cmd = "buyvipbutvaip"
DarkRP.createEntity("Глюцагевный вейп", {
ent = "weapon_vape_hallucinogenic",
model = "models/swamponions/vape.mdl",
price = 45000,
max = 1,
VIPOnly = true,
nonPickup = true,
cmd = "buyvipglecvaip"
DarkRP.createEntity("Вейп с гелием", {
ent = "weapon_vape_helium",
model = "models/swamponions/vape.mdl",
price = 50000,
max = 1,
VIPOnly = true,
nonPickup = true,
cmd = "buyviphelvaip"
DarkRP.createEntity("Медецинский вейп", {
ent = "weapon_vape_medicinal",
model = "models/swamponions/vape.mdl",
price = 80000,
max = 1,
VIPOnly = true,
nonPickup = true,
cmd = "buyvipmedvaip"
DarkRP.createEntity("Амереканский вейп", {
ent = "weapon_vape_american",
model = "models/swamponions/vape.mdl",
price = 100000,
max = 1,
VIPOnly = true,
nonPickup = true,
cmd = "buyvipamericanvaip"
В этой теме нельзя размещать новые ответы.
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