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20 Июн 2019
Project Alpha
** Executing...
** Command: "C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\GarrysMod\bin\vbsp.exe"
** Parameters: -game "C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\GarrysMod\garrysmod" "C:\Users\user\Desktop\Ваня\Папка\Аддоны\Нерф оружия\rp_rockford_french_v5a_d.vmf"

Valve Software - vbsp.exe (Sep 13 2019)
4 threads
materialPath: C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\GarrysMod\garrysmod\materials
Loading C:\Users\user\Desktop\Ваня\Папка\Аддоны\Нерф оружия\rp_rockford_french_v5a_d.vmf
Can't find surfaceprop marble for material AGENCY/WALL/MARBLE01, using default
ConVarRef mat_reduceparticles doesn't point to an existing ConVar
Can't find surfaceprop marble for material AGENCY/FLOOR/MARBLE01A, using default
Can't find surfaceprop sheetrock for material PLASTER/PLASTER_INT_18, using default
Can't find surfaceprop marble for material AGENCY/FLOOR/MARBLE02, using default
Can't find surfaceprop marble for material AGENCY/FLOOR/MARBLE02A, using default
"materials/tools/locked.vtf": cached version doesn't exist
Patching WVT material: maps/rp_rockford_french_v5a_d/dev/dev_blendmeasure_wvt_patch
Patching WVT material: maps/rp_rockford_french_v5a_d/john/nature/blend_grass_pine_wvt_patch
Patching WVT material: maps/rp_rockford_french_v5a_d/de_train/blendgraveldirt001a_wvt_patch
Patching WVT material: maps/rp_rockford_french_v5a_d/statua/nature/rockfordgrass1_noprop_wvt_patch
Patching WVT material: maps/rp_rockford_french_v5a_d/statua/nature/blendgrasssand01_wvt_patch
Patching WVT material: maps/rp_rockford_french_v5a_d/nature/blendmilground004_rock2b_wvt_patch
Patching WVT material: maps/rp_rockford_french_v5a_d/nature/blendmilground004_2_wvt_patch
Patching WVT material: maps/rp_rockford_french_v5a_d/statua/nature/rockfordgrass1_wvt_patch
Patching WVT material: maps/rp_rockford_french_v5a_d/dev/dev_blendmeasure2_wvt_patch
fixing up env_cubemap materials on brush sides...
ProcessBlock_Thread: 0...1...2...3...4...5...6...7...8...9...10 (1)
**** leaked ****
Entity prop_static (-12842.80 -8329.40 210.96) leaked!
Processing areas...
Brush 4943: areaportal brush doesn't touch two areas

Brush 4943: areaportal brush doesn't touch two areas

Brush 4899: areaportal brush doesn't touch two areas

Brush 4899: areaportal brush doesn't touch two areas

Brush 4899: areaportal brush doesn't touch two areas

Brush 4899: areaportal brush doesn't touch two areas

Brush 4943: areaportal brush doesn't touch two areas

Brush 4943: areaportal brush doesn't touch two areas

Brush 4923: areaportal brush doesn't touch two areas

Brush 4899: areaportal brush doesn't touch two areas

Brush 4899: areaportal brush doesn't touch two areas

Brush 4911: areaportal brush doesn't touch two areas

Brush 4899: areaportal brush doesn't touch two areas

Brush 4899: areaportal brush doesn't touch two areas

Brush 4911: areaportal brush doesn't touch two areas

Brush 4943: areaportal brush doesn't touch two areas

Brush 4943: areaportal brush doesn't touch two areas

Brush 4899: areaportal brush doesn't touch two areas

Brush 4899: areaportal brush doesn't touch two areas

Brush 4911: areaportal brush doesn't touch two areas

Brush 4911: areaportal brush doesn't touch two areas

Brush 4903: areaportal brush doesn't touch two areas

Brush 4899: areaportal brush doesn't touch two areas

Brush 4899: areaportal brush doesn't touch two areas

Brush 4903: areaportal brush doesn't touch two areas

Brush 4903: areaportal brush doesn't touch two areas

Brush 4939: areaportal brush doesn't touch two areas

Brush 4899: areaportal brush doesn't touch two areas

Brush 4903: areaportal brush doesn't touch two areas

Brush 4899: areaportal brush doesn't touch two areas

Brush 4899: areaportal brush doesn't touch two areas

Brush 4903: areaportal brush doesn't touch two areas

Brush 4899: areaportal brush doesn't touch two areas

Brush 4899: areaportal brush doesn't touch two areas

Brush 4903: areaportal brush doesn't touch two areas

Brush 4931: areaportal brush doesn't touch two areas

Brush 4899: areaportal brush doesn't touch two areas

Brush 4903: areaportal brush doesn't touch two areas

Brush 4899: areaportal brush doesn't touch two areas

Brush 4899: areaportal brush doesn't touch two areas

Brush 4903: areaportal brush doesn't touch two areas

Brush 4903: areaportal brush doesn't touch two areas

Brush 4939: areaportal brush doesn't touch two areas

Brush 4943: areaportal brush doesn't touch two areas

Brush 4943: areaportal brush doesn't touch two areas

Brush 4923: areaportal brush doesn't touch two areas

Brush 4923: areaportal brush doesn't touch two areas

Brush 4923: areaportal brush doesn't touch two areas

Brush 4923: areaportal brush doesn't touch two areas

Brush 4891: areaportal brush doesn't touch two areas

Brush 4955: areaportal brush doesn't touch two areas

Brush 4951: areaportal brush doesn't touch two areas

Brush 4923: areaportal brush doesn't touch two areas

Brush 4923: areaportal brush doesn't touch two areas

Brush 4943: areaportal brush doesn't touch two areas

Brush 4923: areaportal brush doesn't touch two areas

Brush 4923: areaportal brush doesn't touch two areas

Brush 4943: areaportal brush doesn't touch two areas

Brush 4943: areaportal brush doesn't touch two areas

Brush 4943: areaportal brush doesn't touch two areas

Brush 4923: areaportal brush doesn't touch two areas

Brush 4891: areaportal brush doesn't touch two areas

Brush 4955: areaportal brush doesn't touch two areas

Brush 4951: areaportal brush doesn't touch two areas

Brush 4943: areaportal brush doesn't touch two areas

Brush 4943: areaportal brush doesn't touch two areas

Brush 4923: areaportal brush doesn't touch two areas

Brush 4923: areaportal brush doesn't touch two areas

Brush 4943: areaportal brush doesn't touch two areas

Brush 4943: areaportal brush doesn't touch two areas

Brush 4891: areaportal brush doesn't touch two areas

Brush 4951: areaportal brush doesn't touch two areas

Brush 4959: areaportal brush doesn't touch two areas

Brush 4947: areaportal brush doesn't touch two areas

Brush 4947: areaportal brush doesn't touch two areas

Brush 4959: areaportal brush doesn't touch two areas

Brush 4955: areaportal brush doesn't touch two areas

Brush 4955: areaportal brush doesn't touch two areas

Brush 4955: areaportal brush doesn't touch two areas

Brush 4955: areaportal brush doesn't touch two areas

Brush 4939: areaportal brush doesn't touch two areas

Brush 4939: areaportal brush doesn't touch two areas

Brush 4939: areaportal brush doesn't touch two areas

Brush 4931: areaportal brush doesn't touch two areas

Brush 4947: areaportal brush doesn't touch two areas

Brush 4947: areaportal brush doesn't touch two areas

Brush 4955: areaportal brush doesn't touch two areas

Brush 4947: areaportal brush doesn't touch two areas

Brush 4947: areaportal brush doesn't touch two areas

Brush 4947: areaportal brush doesn't touch two areas

Brush 4947: areaportal brush doesn't touch two areas

Brush 4947: areaportal brush doesn't touch two areas

Brush 4947: areaportal brush doesn't touch two areas

Brush 4959: areaportal brush doesn't touch two areas

Brush 4891: areaportal brush doesn't touch two areas

Brush 4895: areaportal brush doesn't touch two areas

Brush 4955: areaportal brush doesn't touch two areas

Brush 4955: areaportal brush doesn't touch two areas

Brush 4939: areaportal brush doesn't touch two areas

Brush 4931: areaportal brush doesn't touch two areas

Brush 4931: areaportal brush doesn't touch two areas

Brush 4939: areaportal brush doesn't touch two areas

Brush 4939: areaportal brush doesn't touch two areas

Brush 4947: areaportal brush doesn't touch two areas

Brush 4947: areaportal brush doesn't touch two areas

Brush 4959: areaportal brush doesn't touch two areas

Brush 4891: areaportal brush doesn't touch two areas

Brush 4955: areaportal brush doesn't touch two areas

Brush 4955: areaportal brush doesn't touch two areas

Brush 4931: areaportal brush doesn't touch two areas

Brush 4931: areaportal brush doesn't touch two areas

Brush 4931: areaportal brush doesn't touch two areas

Brush 4939: areaportal brush doesn't touch two areas

Brush 4478: areaportal brush doesn't touch two areas

Brush 4478: areaportal brush doesn't touch two areas

Brush 40178: areaportal brush doesn't touch two areas

Brush 4480: areaportal brush doesn't touch two areas
done (1)
Building Faces...error: material STATUA/WATER_HRP_MAT doesn't have a $bottommaterial
error: material STATUA/WATER_HRP_MAT doesn't have a $bottommaterial
error: material STATUA/WATER_HRP_MAT doesn't have a $bottommaterial
done (1)
done (1)
Too many brush models in map, max = 1024

** Executing...
** Command: "C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\GarrysMod\bin\vvis.exe"
** Parameters: -game "C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\GarrysMod\garrysmod" "C:\Users\user\Desktop\Ваня\Папка\Аддоны\Нерф оружия\rp_rockford_french_v5a_d"

Valve Software - vvis.exe (Sep 13 2019)
4 threads
reading c:\users\user\desktop\Ваня\Папка\Аддоны\Нерф оружия\rp_rockford_french_v5a_d.bsp
Error opening c:\users\user\desktop\Ваня\Папка\Аддоны\Нерф оружия\rp_rockford_french_v5a_d.bsp

** Executing...
** Command: "C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\GarrysMod\bin\vrad.exe"
** Parameters: -both -game "C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\GarrysMod\garrysmod" "C:\Users\user\Desktop\Ваня\Папка\Аддоны\Нерф оружия\rp_rockford_french_v5a_d"

Valve Software - vrad.exe SSE (Sep 13 2019)

Valve Radiosity Simulator
4 threads
[Reading texlights from 'lights.rad']
[45 texlights parsed from 'lights.rad']

Loading c:\users\user\desktop\Ваня\Папка\Аддоны\Нерф оружия\rp_rockford_french_v5a_d.bsp
Error opening c:\users\user\desktop\Ваня\Папка\Аддоны\Нерф оружия\rp_rockford_french_v5a_d.bsp

** Executing...
** Command: Copy File
** Parameters: "C:\Users\user\Desktop\Ваня\Папка\Аддоны\Нерф оружия\rp_rockford_french_v5a_d.bsp" "C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\GarrysMod\garrysmod\maps\rp_rockford_french_v5a_d.bsp"

The command failed. Windows reported the error:
"Не удается найти указанный файл."

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