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Проблема с запуском сервера на VDS

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22 Мар 2019
Здравствуйте, решил создать сервак на VDS установил оперативную систему Ubuntu 19.04, все необходимое сделал, установил darkrp и ulx но при запуске выдают ошибки, пробывал переустаналивать, даже удалял ulx оставлял только darkp, но ошибки выдает только darkrp

Вот ошибки:

[ERROR] gamemodes/darkrp/gamemode/libraries/simplerr.lua:530: [ERROR] A runtime error has occurred in "gamemodes/darkrp/gamemode/modules/base/sv_data.lua" on line 433.
The best help I can give you is this:

Failed to retrieve player information from the database.

- This means your database or the connection to your database is fucked.
- This is the error given by the database:
no such table: playerinformation

The responsibility for the error above lies with (the authors of) one (or more) of these files:
1. gamemodes/darkrp/gamemode/modules/base/sv_data.lua on line 433
2. gamemodes/darkrp/gamemode/modules/base/sv_data.lua on line 321
3. gamemodes/darkrp/gamemode/libraries/mysqlite/mysqlite.lua on line 297
4. gamemodes/darkrp/gamemode/modules/base/sv_data.lua on line 264
5. gamemodes/darkrp/gamemode/modules/base/sv_data.lua on line 318
6. gamemodes/darkrp/gamemode/modules/base/sv_data.lua on line 321
7. gamemodes/darkrp/gamemode/libraries/mysqlite/mysqlite.lua on line 297
8. gamemodes/darkrp/gamemode/modules/base/sv_data.lua on line 264
9. gamemodes/darkrp/gamemode/modules/base/sv_data.lua on line 318
10. gamemodes/darkrp/gamemode/modules/base/sv_data.lua on line 321
11. gamemodes/darkrp/gamemode/libraries/mysqlite/mysqlite.lua on line 297
12. gamemodes/darkrp/gamemode/modules/base/sv_data.lua on line 264
13. gamemodes/darkrp/gamemode/modules/base/sv_data.lua on line 318
14. gamemodes/darkrp/gamemode/modules/base/sv_data.lua on line 321
15. gamemodes/darkrp/gamemode/libraries/mysqlite/mysqlite.lua on line 297
16. gamemodes/darkrp/gamemode/modules/base/sv_data.lua on line 264
17. gamemodes/darkrp/gamemode/modules/base/sv_data.lua on line 318
18. gamemodes/darkrp/gamemode/modules/base/sv_data.lua on line 403
19. gamemodes/darkrp/gamemode/modules/base/sv_gamemode_functions.lua on line 614
------- End of Simplerr error -------

1. error - [C]:-1
2. error - gamemodes/darkrp/gamemode/libraries/simplerr.lua:530
3. retrievePlayerData - gamemodes/darkrp/gamemode/modules/base/sv_data.lua:433
4. errorCallback - gamemodes/darkrp/gamemode/modules/base/sv_data.lua:321
5. query - gamemodes/darkrp/gamemode/libraries/mysqlite/mysqlite.lua:297
6. offlinePlayerData - gamemodes/darkrp/gamemode/modules/base/sv_data.lua:264
7. retrievePlayerData - gamemodes/darkrp/gamemode/modules/base/sv_data.lua:318
8. errorCallback - gamemodes/darkrp/gamemode/modules/base/sv_data.lua:321
9. query - gamemodes/darkrp/gamemode/libraries/mysqlite/mysqlite.lua:297
10. offlinePlayerData - gamemodes/darkrp/gamemode/modules/base/sv_data.lua:264
11. retrievePlayerData - gamemodes/darkrp/gamemode/modules/base/sv_data.lua:318
12. errorCallback - gamemodes/darkrp/gamemode/modules/base/sv_data.lua:321
13. query - gamemodes/darkrp/gamemode/libraries/mysqlite/mysqlite.lua:297
14. offlinePlayerData - gamemodes/darkrp/gamemode/modules/base/sv_data.lua:264
15. retrievePlayerData - gamemodes/darkrp/gamemode/modules/base/sv_data.lua:318
16. errorCallback - gamemodes/darkrp/gamemode/modules/base/sv_data.lua:321

[ERROR] gamemodes/darkrp/gamemode/libraries/simplerr.lua:530: [ERROR] A runtime error has occurred in "gamemodes/darkrp/gamemode/modules/base/sh_createitems.lua" on line 392.
The best help I can give you is this:

There is a player with an invalid team!

The player's name is Deadpool, their team number is "1001", which has the name "Unassigned"

- It is the server owner's responsibility to figure out why that player has no valid team.
- This error is very likely to be caused by an earlier error. If you don't see any errors in your own console, look at the server console.

The responsibility for the error above lies with (the authors of) one (or more) of these files:
1. gamemodes/darkrp/gamemode/modules/base/sh_createitems.lua on line 392
2. gamemodes/darkrp/gamemode/modules/base/sv_gamemode_functions.lua on line 632
------- End of Simplerr error -------

1. error - [C]:-1
2. error - gamemodes/darkrp/gamemode/libraries/simplerr.lua:530
3. getJobTable - gamemodes/darkrp/gamemode/modules/base/sh_createitems.lua:392
4. unknown - gamemodes/darkrp/gamemode/modules/base/sv_gamemode_functions.lua:632

[ERROR] gamemodes/darkrp/gamemode/libraries/simplerr.lua:530: [ERROR] A runtime error has occurred in "gamemodes/darkrp/gamemode/modules/base/sh_createitems.lua" on line 392.
The best help I can give you is this:

There is a player with an invalid team!

The player's name is Deadpool, their team number is "1001", which has the name "Unassigned"

- It is the server owner's responsibility to figure out why that player has no valid team.
- This error is very likely to be caused by an earlier error. If you don't see any errors in your own console, look at the server console.

The responsibility for the error above lies with (the authors of) one (or more) of these files:
1. gamemodes/darkrp/gamemode/modules/base/sh_createitems.lua on line 392
2. gamemodes/darkrp/gamemode/modules/base/sv_gamemode_functions.lua on line 756
------- End of Simplerr error -------

1. error - [C]:-1
2. error - gamemodes/darkrp/gamemode/libraries/simplerr.lua:530
3. getJobTable - gamemodes/darkrp/gamemode/modules/base/sh_createitems.lua:392
4. unknown - gamemodes/darkrp/gamemode/modules/base/sv_gamemode_functions.lua:756

Помогите пожалуйста решить, люди ждут пока откроется сервак, а у меня тут вот такая проблема
Здравствуйте, решил создать сервак на VDS установил оперативную систему Ubuntu 19.04, все необходимое сделал, установил darkrp и ulx но при запуске выдают ошибки, пробывал переустаналивать, даже удалял ulx оставлял только darkp, но ошибки выдает только darkrp

Вот ошибки:

[ERROR] gamemodes/darkrp/gamemode/libraries/simplerr.lua:530: [ERROR] A runtime error has occurred in "gamemodes/darkrp/gamemode/modules/base/sv_data.lua" on line 433.
The best help I can give you is this:

Failed to retrieve player information from the database.

- This means your database or the connection to your database is fucked.
- This is the error given by the database:
no such table: playerinformation

The responsibility for the error above lies with (the authors of) one (or more) of these files:
1. gamemodes/darkrp/gamemode/modules/base/sv_data.lua on line 433
2. gamemodes/darkrp/gamemode/modules/base/sv_data.lua on line 321
3. gamemodes/darkrp/gamemode/libraries/mysqlite/mysqlite.lua on line 297
4. gamemodes/darkrp/gamemode/modules/base/sv_data.lua on line 264
5. gamemodes/darkrp/gamemode/modules/base/sv_data.lua on line 318
6. gamemodes/darkrp/gamemode/modules/base/sv_data.lua on line 321
7. gamemodes/darkrp/gamemode/libraries/mysqlite/mysqlite.lua on line 297
8. gamemodes/darkrp/gamemode/modules/base/sv_data.lua on line 264
9. gamemodes/darkrp/gamemode/modules/base/sv_data.lua on line 318
10. gamemodes/darkrp/gamemode/modules/base/sv_data.lua on line 321
11. gamemodes/darkrp/gamemode/libraries/mysqlite/mysqlite.lua on line 297
12. gamemodes/darkrp/gamemode/modules/base/sv_data.lua on line 264
13. gamemodes/darkrp/gamemode/modules/base/sv_data.lua on line 318
14. gamemodes/darkrp/gamemode/modules/base/sv_data.lua on line 321
15. gamemodes/darkrp/gamemode/libraries/mysqlite/mysqlite.lua on line 297
16. gamemodes/darkrp/gamemode/modules/base/sv_data.lua on line 264
17. gamemodes/darkrp/gamemode/modules/base/sv_data.lua on line 318
18. gamemodes/darkrp/gamemode/modules/base/sv_data.lua on line 403
19. gamemodes/darkrp/gamemode/modules/base/sv_gamemode_functions.lua on line 614
------- End of Simplerr error -------

1. error - [C]:-1
2. error - gamemodes/darkrp/gamemode/libraries/simplerr.lua:530
3. retrievePlayerData - gamemodes/darkrp/gamemode/modules/base/sv_data.lua:433
4. errorCallback - gamemodes/darkrp/gamemode/modules/base/sv_data.lua:321
5. query - gamemodes/darkrp/gamemode/libraries/mysqlite/mysqlite.lua:297
6. offlinePlayerData - gamemodes/darkrp/gamemode/modules/base/sv_data.lua:264
7. retrievePlayerData - gamemodes/darkrp/gamemode/modules/base/sv_data.lua:318
8. errorCallback - gamemodes/darkrp/gamemode/modules/base/sv_data.lua:321
9. query - gamemodes/darkrp/gamemode/libraries/mysqlite/mysqlite.lua:297
10. offlinePlayerData - gamemodes/darkrp/gamemode/modules/base/sv_data.lua:264
11. retrievePlayerData - gamemodes/darkrp/gamemode/modules/base/sv_data.lua:318
12. errorCallback - gamemodes/darkrp/gamemode/modules/base/sv_data.lua:321
13. query - gamemodes/darkrp/gamemode/libraries/mysqlite/mysqlite.lua:297
14. offlinePlayerData - gamemodes/darkrp/gamemode/modules/base/sv_data.lua:264
15. retrievePlayerData - gamemodes/darkrp/gamemode/modules/base/sv_data.lua:318
16. errorCallback - gamemodes/darkrp/gamemode/modules/base/sv_data.lua:321

[ERROR] gamemodes/darkrp/gamemode/libraries/simplerr.lua:530: [ERROR] A runtime error has occurred in "gamemodes/darkrp/gamemode/modules/base/sh_createitems.lua" on line 392.
The best help I can give you is this:

There is a player with an invalid team!

The player's name is Deadpool, their team number is "1001", which has the name "Unassigned"

- It is the server owner's responsibility to figure out why that player has no valid team.
- This error is very likely to be caused by an earlier error. If you don't see any errors in your own console, look at the server console.

The responsibility for the error above lies with (the authors of) one (or more) of these files:
1. gamemodes/darkrp/gamemode/modules/base/sh_createitems.lua on line 392
2. gamemodes/darkrp/gamemode/modules/base/sv_gamemode_functions.lua on line 632
------- End of Simplerr error -------

1. error - [C]:-1
2. error - gamemodes/darkrp/gamemode/libraries/simplerr.lua:530
3. getJobTable - gamemodes/darkrp/gamemode/modules/base/sh_createitems.lua:392
4. unknown - gamemodes/darkrp/gamemode/modules/base/sv_gamemode_functions.lua:632

[ERROR] gamemodes/darkrp/gamemode/libraries/simplerr.lua:530: [ERROR] A runtime error has occurred in "gamemodes/darkrp/gamemode/modules/base/sh_createitems.lua" on line 392.
The best help I can give you is this:

There is a player with an invalid team!

The player's name is Deadpool, their team number is "1001", which has the name "Unassigned"

- It is the server owner's responsibility to figure out why that player has no valid team.
- This error is very likely to be caused by an earlier error. If you don't see any errors in your own console, look at the server console.

The responsibility for the error above lies with (the authors of) one (or more) of these files:
1. gamemodes/darkrp/gamemode/modules/base/sh_createitems.lua on line 392
2. gamemodes/darkrp/gamemode/modules/base/sv_gamemode_functions.lua on line 756
------- End of Simplerr error -------

1. error - [C]:-1
2. error - gamemodes/darkrp/gamemode/libraries/simplerr.lua:530
3. getJobTable - gamemodes/darkrp/gamemode/modules/base/sh_createitems.lua:392
4. unknown - gamemodes/darkrp/gamemode/modules/base/sv_gamemode_functions.lua:756

Помогите пожалуйста решить, люди ждут пока откроется сервак, а у меня тут вот такая проблема
Ты MySQL юзаешь? Если даже юзаешь, то есть ли у тебя БД?
Еррор говорит что подключение к БД неправильно, проверь ещё раз
RP_MySQLConfig = {} -- Ignore this line
Welcome to MySQL for DarkRP!
In this file you can find a manual for MySQL configuration and the MySQL config settings.

RP_MySQLConfig.EnableMySQL = false -- Set to true if you want to use an external MySQL database, false if you want to use the built in SQLite database (garrysmod/sv.db) of Garry's mod.
RP_MySQLConfig.Host = "" -- This is the IP address of the MySQL host. Make sure the IP address is correct and in quotation marks (" ")
RP_MySQLConfig.Username = "" -- This is the username to log in on the MySQL server.
-- contact the owner of the server about the username and password. Make sure it's in quotation marks! (" ")
RP_MySQLConfig.Password = "" -- This is the Password to log in on the MySQL server,
-- Everyone who has access to FTP on the server can read this password.
-- Make sure you know who to trust. Make sure it's in quotation marks (" ")
RP_MySQLConfig.Database_name = "" -- This is the name of the Database on the MySQL server. Contact the MySQL server host to find out what this is
RP_MySQLConfig.Database_port = 3306 -- This is the port of the MySQL server. Again, contact the MySQL server host if you don't know this.
RP_MySQLConfig.Preferred_module = "mysqloo" -- Preferred module, case sensitive, must be either "mysqloo" or "tmysql4". Only applies when both are installed.
RP_MySQLConfig.MultiStatements = false -- Only available in tmysql4: allow multiple SQL statements per query. Has no effect if no scripts use it.
Решил проблему, оказывается на локальном сервере, я пробывал подключать базу к некоторым скриптам и в итоге не получилось я оставил как есть, решил убрать все что делал и заработала
Решил проблему, оказывается на локальном сервере, я пробывал подключать базу к некоторым скриптам и в итоге не получилось я оставил как есть, решил убрать все что делал и заработала
Ну вот...
Так проблема была не в базе данных darkrp mysql а в скриптах, хотя я больше всего не понимаю, когда я уберал все скрипты и оставил только darkrp, проблема была даже -_-
Так проблема была не в базе данных darkrp mysql а в скриптах, хотя я больше всего не понимаю, когда я уберал все скрипты и оставил только darkrp, проблема была даже -_-
Ну если человек пишет "уберал" то сразу понятно почему у него ничего не работает.
Ну если человек пишет "уберал" то сразу понятно почему у него ничего не работает.
Убирал простите, если вы такой умный, так что вы только про mysql darkrp спросили ? раз вы только по русскому языку цените опыт в программирование
Убирал простите, если вы такой умный, так что вы только про mysql darkrp спросили ? раз вы только по русскому языку цените опыт в программирование
Хах, за 16к часов сложилось такое мнение, но у каждого своё мнение
Хах, за 16к часов сложилось такое мнение, но у каждого своё мнение
Ну не знаю, судить человека по русскому языку глупо, даже если человек другой нации к примеру как я(хач,дагестанец) то если он понимает русский и умеет разговаривать, это уже хорошо, а не в том что он не правильно написал слово (уберал)
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