Есть по ней гайд? А то захожу у меня чел без модельки зато профа гражданин в нпс есть но брать ее нельзя.
TEAM_POLICE = DarkRP.createJob("Police Officer", {
color = Color(20, 150, 20, 255),
model = {
description = [[Team description.]],
weapons = {},
command = "citizen",
max = 0,
salary = GAMEMODE.Config.normalsalary,
admin = 0,
vote = false,
hasLicense = false,
candemote = false,
!!! NEW STUFF !!!
type = "police", // type of team (police, crime or commerce) you can add your own type, more info below
unlockCost = 500 // unlock cost
TEAM_CHIEF = DarkRP.createJob("Police Chief", {
stuff from your police job
type = "police", // type of team
requireUnlock = TEAM_POLICE, // job that need to be unlocked firsy
unlockCost = 1000 // unlock cost
TEAM_MAYOR = DarkRP.createJob("Mayor", {
stuff from your police job
type = "police",
requireUnlock = TEAM_CHIEF
/* since "unlockCost" is empty this job will be free if you have TEAM_CHIEF unlocked */
2. Add new NPCs and configure emoplyer types
1. Imagine that you are a NPC and stand where you want your NPC to stand
2. Run JonbNPCSpawnPos
3. You'll get something like this:
[n] = {
pos = Vector(-852.093750, -968.375000, -195.968750),
angle = Angle(0.000, -90.000, 0.000),
3. Paste it into darkrpmodificationfolder\modules\job_system\sh_init.lua
/* BEFORE */
commerce = {
name = "Commerce",
model = {"models/mossman.mdl", "models/Humans/Group02/male_08.mdl"},
pos = {
[1] = {
pos = Vector(-852.093750, -968.375000, -195.968750),
angle = Angle(0.000, -90.000, 0.000),
limit = 0.4
/* AFTER */
commerce = {
name = "Commerce", -- type name
model = {"models/mossman.mdl", "models/Humans/Group02/male_08.mdl"}, -- NPC models
pos = { -- NPC positions
[1] = {
pos = Vector(-852.093750, -968.375000, -195.968750),
angle = Angle(0.000, -90.000, 0.000),
}, -- do not forget about this comma
[2] = { -- change [n] to number
pos = Vector(-809.58392333984,-971.39575195313,-195.96875),
angle = Angle(0, -86.806198120117,0),
limit = 0.4 -- percentage limit (40% of players allowed to pick a job which has commerce type)
4. Do not be afraid to delete old poses.
5. Edit names / limits / models by your taste all (information given in the file)
6. There is exaple commended "hobo" type which given to show you how to add your own types.
If you are running latest DarkRP:
Go to modules\job_system\sv_init.lua and paste this to the top of the file:
View Paste 6CaqI
If you are running DarkRP 2.5.x:
1. Open DarkRP\gamemode\modules\jobs\sv_jobs.lua
2. Go to line 41 and paste code below, image:
Imgur: The most awesome images on the Internet
if !force then
if TEAM.type && !self:NearJobNPC(TEAM.type) then self:MultiversionNotify(NOTIFY_ERROR, "Please register for this job at NPC employers. They are spread between town.") return false end
if TEAM.type && !self:NearJobNPC(TEAM.type) then return false end
if (TEAM.unlockCost && !table.HasValue(self.unlocks, TEAM.command)) then
return false
if TEAM.type && !(RPExtraTeams[prevTeam].type && RPExtraTeams[prevTeam].type == TEAM.type) then
local max = 0
for k, v in pairs(player.GetAll()) do
if TEAM.type == RPExtraTeams[v:Team()].type then
max = max + 1
if #player.GetAll() > 10 && max/#player.GetAll() > Job.NPC[TEAM.type].limit then self:MultiversionNotify(NOTIFY_ERROR, string.format(LANGUAGE.team_limit_reached, TEAM.name)) return false end
3. Deleting default JOB tab from F4 menu: simply delete DarkRP\gamemode\modules\f4menu\cl_jobstab.lua
If you are running DarkRP 2.4.x:
1. Open DarkRP\gamemode\server\player.lua
2. Go to line 256 and paste code below, image:
Imgur: The most awesome images on the Internet
if !force then
if TEAM.type && !self:NearJobNPC(TEAM.type) then self:MultiversionNotify(NOTIFY_ERROR, "Please register for this job at NPC employers. They are spread between town.") return false end
if (TEAM.unlockCost && !table.HasValue(self.unlocks, TEAM.command)) then
return false
if TEAM.type && !(RPExtraTeams[prevTeam].type && RPExtraTeams[prevTeam].type == TEAM.type) then
local max = 0
for k, v in pairs(player.GetAll()) do
if TEAM.type == RPExtraTeams[v:Team()].type then
max = max + 1
if #player.GetAll() > 10 && max/#player.GetAll() > Job.NPC[TEAM.type].limit then self:MultiversionNotify(NOTIFY_ERROR, string.format(LANGUAGE.team_limit_reached, TEAM.name)) return false end
3. Join your server and enter JonbNPCInit in your console
4. Deleting default JOB tab from F4 menu:
1. Open file DarkRP\gamemode\client\vgui.lua
2. Find this line (by default line 273) and delete it
GAMEMODE:addF4MenuTab("Jobs", GAMEMODE:JobsTab(), "icon16/user_suit.png")