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Иконка ресурса

Realistic Player Damage 1.0.5

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Add realism and immersion to your server!
This addon creates a more realistic player damage system for your server.

  • Supports all gamemodes and weapons

  • Highly configurable(no knowledge of lua is required)

  • Configurable damage scaling for the following body parts:
    • Head
    • Chest
    • Stomach
    • Thigh
    • Left Arm
    • Right Arm
    • Left Leg
    • Right Leg
  • Shots in the arm may cause the player to drop their weapon(configurable chance and restrictions)

  • Shots in the leg may cause the player to limp which will recover over time or when healed(configurable chance and recovery time)

  • Fall damage is based on the height of the fall(configurable multiplier)

  • Awesome first-person roll which reduces fall damage to a configurable percent(hold 'CTRL' when falling)

  • When on fire, players can extinguish themselves in water, but staying in there for too long will drown them(configurable drown delay, interval length, and damage per interval)

  • Sound presets for every playermodel(addable) and body part(see above):
    • Male
    • Female
    • Alyx
    • Combine
    • Zombie
Simply place the 'realistic_player_damage' folder into your server's 'addons' folder and edit the 'dmg_config.lua' file to your liking!
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