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Команда форума
9 Фев 2013
Лицензия: Steam
Адреса серверов (Подключение)
  • connect netzona.org:27018 - ZONA No More Room In Hell
  • connect netzona.org:27024 - ZONA No More Room In Hell #2
  • connect netzona.org:27026 - ZONA No More Room In Hell #3
  • connect netzona.org:27029 - ZONA No More Room In Hell #4
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Последнее редактирование:
Под 300 запросто могут играть удаленные игроки с далеких окрайн России, более это уже иностранцы.
Сервера обновлены до версии
Установлена статистика игроков:
sm_rank или /rank - ваш текущий ранк
sm_top10 или /top10 - топ-10 игроков.
Последнее редактирование:
Сервера обновлены до версии 1.07.10
Список обновлений (англ.):
Use sv_tags instead of creating custom convar for showing tags in server browser
Fixed various mac/linux crash issues
Removed cheat flags on sv_wave_begin_grace and sv_spawn_grace_objectivecount
Added various new props and textures for upcoming maps
Fixed a client and server crash caused by the molotov cocktail

Added highway bridge as a landmark on one side of the map.
Added some rain to have somewhat nicer atmosphere.
Optimized the map a little by removing unnecessary brush-details (mainly doorframes which were wasted anyway in rather dark map).
Tweaked environment lighting to match the skybox better and to have some better visuals.
Tweaked surrounding fog and 3d sky so it blends nicer together.
Removed some health-crates and their locations.
Removed some fema-crates so they're not in the safe zones anymore.
Zombie initial spawn count is now 18.
Zombie increment count is now 11.
Ending wave is now at 10.
Clipped off some areas from players/zombies.
Relocated most of the zombie spawns to edges of the map.
Miscellaneous fixes
Сервера обновлены до версии
Список изменений: (англ)
Added 3 new player models; Roje, Butcher, and Badass
Added NPC Lag Compensation (sv_unlag_npcs)
Added initial support for difficulty levels (sv_difficulty classic is classic/normal, sv_difficulty casual is casual)
Added an optional proximity based spawning system (think Halo 1)
Added option to disable HTML motds (ads for example) in in multiplayer advanced options.
Fixed various text files relating to MOTDs and map cycles.
Added nmo_zephyr
Added nmo_cleopas
Added nmo_brooklyn
Added nms_midwest
Updated nmo_junction
Added a new firearm, the FN FAL
Increased stamina cost for Leadpipe from 10 to 13,matching the machete.
Reduced weight for Leadpipe from 250 to 200.
Added a certain ability that will protect your friends from your advanced infected state
Changed version number to 1.08.0
Completely redid the M16A4 ACOG RT scope behavior,now fading out when on hip,and fading in when aiming
Renamed the MP5A3 to the MP5A4,matching the correct real life model (console command is still fa_mp5a3,so the maps do not break)
Reduced maglite weight from 150 to 100.
Increased Baseball Bat weight from 100 to 200.
Increased Maglite headshot damage from 113 to 125
Added support for female voice sets
Added "Chippants" voice set
Added "Pugman" voice set
Added various new ambient/tension music files from ThoughT to the Dynamic Music System
Updated sound effects for various firearms (M16A4, shotguns, etc.)
Fixed some voice-over problems for mag/load counts and magchecking on some of the firearms.
Added new sound effect for nuke
Replaced ammo pickup sound
Updated ambient rain sound
Fixed some voice-over problems for mag/load counts and magchecking on some of the firearms.
Added a ♥♥♥♥ ton of props for various new upcoming maps, both in 1.08 and for future patches
Added a lot of animations for a certain new action
Redone the forward sights for the Ruger 10/22
Added "Badass" Character Model + Zombie Model
Added "Butcher" Character Model + Zombie Model
Added "Roje" Character Model + Zombie Model
Shader & Texture adjustments for Player and Zombie models
New bolt animation for the JAE-700 on shoot and reload empty.
Fixed shotgun empty reloading missing sequences.
Minor animation updates to the following firearms/melees: M9,Glock 17,686,Hatchet,FUBAR,E-tool,SKS,CZ858,M16A4,Ruger 10/22,SV-10,Maglite,Shovel,Winchester 1892.
Rerendered chinatown skybox textures (LDR/HDR)
Added new skybox textures for Midwest
Fixed Fireaxe world model floating in third person
Fixed M67 Grenade world model having the lever and pin invisible when not used,and vice versa when used and thrown
Added a new Objective level with a focus on scavenging, Cleopas
Added a new Objective level with a focus on different objective paths, Brooklyn
Added a new Objective level, created by community mapper billionlioe, Zephyr
Added a new Survival level, created by community mapper billionlioe, Midwest
Updated Junction
nmo_junction Specific Changes
Alley way door explosion objective can now harm NPCs.
Added several new props.
Fixed clipping frame on door near extraction tunnel.
Changed the position of a door in the apartments where players could get stuck if both doors were opened in the same direction.
Brightness of the lights in the sewer tunnels increased by 35%.
General improvement to lighting in the level.
Other general improvements.
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